BokuakaKuroken - Smut

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Title: apocalyptic

It was quieter than usual, Kuro and Bokuto weren't used to it being quiet. All that could be seen on the roads and fields were the infected dead bodies, lying limp and collecting dust. It was pretty hard to believe that the apocalypse had went on for nearly three years, it felt unreal that it was finally over. The undead eventually began decaying and in the end their was nothing left, their head fully disappeared and then there was nothing left.

Kuro and Bokuto had been living in an abandoned cabin for the past year and half by themselves, over time while going into the city for new supplies, word got around by the remaining survivors that there was a 'camp' to go to. The camp had treatment for the wounded, fresh food and water and shelter. Kuro brung it upon himself and Bokuto to head up north to attempt to find the camp, it would take least take two days by car assuming they had a place to re fill the fuel tank. But most of the job was done as they had already been driving for two days, but the car ran out of gas in the middle of no where and they had to start going by foot.

They had little food and water and were nearly out of amo, so both men were hoping to god they didn't run out. They had bags on thier backs filled with a few hunting knifes, clothes and a blankest incase they had to crash out in an abandoned building or something. Most of the zombies had died off but there was the remaining few that was still alive, all of them were about to full die off so they were pretty week.

Kuro and Bokuto were walking hand in hand on a dirt road, there were no undead in sight so Bokuto broke the silence. "Do you think Akaashi and kemna are still alive?.." All of the men got spilt up over two years ago, or at least, that's what kuro said to calm Bo down. Kuro and Bokuto went to get supplies one night and came back to their apartment hide out to find the place trashed, all the food and weapons were left so it couldn't have been survivors robbing them.

But there were two dead zombies on the floor, and blood everywhere. Kuro thought the place got raided by the infected and kenma and Akaashi had made a run for it, after all, there was two guns and a knife missing. But Bokuto being Bokuto thought of the worst case scenario, he believed they were dead and the infected had taken then back to there hide out to feast.

"Yeah.." Kuro didn't sound very convincing "Just stop lying to me already kuro, we both know fine well that they are gone.." Kuro sighed "Think about it love, Akaashi is well good at using a knife and Kenma's great with up close and far range shots..i promise they're alive. When do I ever break a promise?" Bokuto stopped walking which stopped kuro too, Bokuto pulled Kuro's hand and brought him into a hug."you better not be lying Tetsuro" Bokuto said through a broken whimper.

Bokuto loved kuro so much, he genuinely believed that he wouldn't be here if it weren't for kuro. But he missed Keiji so much, and he felt the same way towards kenma. The whole thing was a blur for him, he didn't know what he wanted but the only thing that he knew, was that he was lost. For the past year he had felt nothing but empty, he could never express his emotions becase kuro was going though the same thing.

Whether Akaashi and Kenma were dead or not, they were gone. Each of the men couldn't see them every morning and evening, nor snuggle in to watch a movie. Their home town was gone and they had witnessed a few of their loved ones deaths, they're whole world had collapsed right below their feet.

Bokuto knew he could talk to kuro but the only problem was was that he didn't want to, he didn't want to appear weak towards kuro. He didn't want to show his vulnerable side incase kuro would use that against him, he knew kuro wouldn't hurt a fly but the thought was always lingering in the back of his mind. But he loved kuro and he knew kuro was there for him if he ever needed it, and he was forever thank ful.

Both men continued walking until the sun began to set, Bokuto was continously rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Do you want to settle down for the night? There looks like theres a few buildings over there we can camp out in" Kuro said while smiling at Bo, Bo nodded his head. They walked into an apartment block that looked half destroyed and half well kept, they walked into what used to be a room and set up camp.

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