The First Festival

Start from the beginning

Caroline responds, "Abby's always loved the egg hunt, ever since she was a tiny girl."

You don't want to interrupt their reminiscing of motherhood, and try to pass them by unnoticed. Marnie takes no time at all to reel you in.

"(Y/N)! I was hoping to see you today!" Her hand snags yours and holds you in your place.

"I just got here actually. I'm checking everything out."

Her excitement for your attendance is apparent, "Oh! Welcome to the Egg Festival... compliments of my wonderful brood of hens."

A giggle jumps from you while furthering her point, "I made some angel cakes with your eggs! I just set them out with some fresh jam."

"Be sure to find Jas, sweetie. She'd love to get her hands on some of that!"

"I'll point her to them." You nod. Marnie releases you with a tiny wave.

Pierre is set up in a colorful booth stocked full of springtime goods. Packets of strawberry seeds, small potted plants, and a massive pink stuffed rabbit are in display.

"Well hello, (Y/N). How are you enjoying the festival?" Pierre greets you.

"Hi Pierre. I'm liking it so far, everyone looks to be enjoying themselves."

"As am I," he replies, "Festivals are the prime opportunity for me to sell-... offer, my festive goodies. Does anything catch your eye in particular?"

You pick through the small potted plants in search of the perfect one. A vibrant, leafy specimen catches your eye.

"Would it be alright for me to buy this, and come back for it on my way home?" You inquire.

Pierre looks a bit too excited about your suggestion of a purchase, "Yes of course! Will that be all?"

Grabbing a few packets of strawberry seeds, you set them out with your new plant, "These as well please."

After retrieving gold from your small pouch in the hand basket, Pierre tucks your items beneath the booth, out of sight.

A chipper, shrill squealing cuts through the crowd. Jas and Vincent chase eachother, weaving through the now somewhat annoyed adults.

"Jas!" You call to her over the shrieks.

Her puffs of hair bob in and out of sight between the people and finally stop in front of you, Vincent trailing. You crouch to their level.

"Your Aunt Marnie said you might like the cake I made, angel cake with jam."

Her eyes grow and twinkle at the suggestion, "Where? Where!" Her feet tap in excitement.

"Would you like me to get you a piece?" You offer.

Jas nods aggressively in approval.

You peer around her at Vincent, "Would you like some too?"

"Momma says not to talk to strangers... but you seem okay."

Jas is visibly growing impatient in the delay of receiving her slice of cake, "This is Vincent, Miss Jodi is his mom."

"Well, it's very nice to meet you Vincent. Would you like some cake? It has Salmonberry jam on top."

His shy eyes turn delighted, and he replies simply, "Yeah."

Leading the way, Jas skips alongside you, channeling her excess energy.

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