The First Festival

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The fresh cakes are stacked carefully in your hand basket, along with the extra jars of jam for Emily and Harvey. It's just before lunchtime, the spring air decorated with morning birdsong and the smell of fresh dew. You tread carefully down the beaten dirt path into the town square, careful not to disturb the delicate cakes or kick dirt onto yourself. A light breeze flutters the sleeves of your dress, the same one Harvey had been eyeing you in the day at the library. A real heart-stopper today paired with fresh jam.

Nearly thirty minutes pass on the long trip into town when you begin to hear faint melodies of uplifted spring music, surely echoing from the festival. The childish fill you with giddy excitement for the event.

Your first festival in Pelican Town... as a resident. During the summers you had attended the luau, and the end-of-season celebration of the Moonlight Jellies. The last night spent on the dock before the trip back into the city was bittersweet. Although the magical and mesmerizing display of ocean life was your favorite day of the year as a girl, it also meant that your time had come yet again to leave the meadows and forest you loved so dearly. Now, making your first appearance at a community event, your heart begins to flutter the way it had those many years ago.

Around the bend of the path, banners and pastel hued streamers billow in the spring breeze. Villagers wander lazily about, making stops to every booth and table. An impressively long table displays the buffet put together by your neighbors, an impressive spread of bright seasonal colors.

Striding down the length of the table you find a suitable place to set out your cakes. The seal of a jar of jam cracks open satisfyingly and you dip a spoon deeply into the sticky salmonberry preserve. With a steady hand you spread generous amounts of it onto the tops of your angel cakes, decorating them in the vibrate spring pink.

"If I didn't know you better I'd think you're trying to compete with me."

You look away from the fluffy cakes to find Gus looming over you looking especially jolly. He could easily be mistaken for a brunette Santa Claus.

You twist the lid back onto the jar and replace it in your basket, "I hardly think I could even do that, Gus. Everyone must be here for your food."

He seems satisfied, "Well, a majority of this spread did come from my own kitchen in fact. I always go all out for these festivals, my way to give back I suppose."

You take a closer inventory of the spread, custard, deviled eggs, quiche, egg salad, merengue cookies, and more that you can't even identify. Luckily, no other angel cakes are displayed to outshine yours.

"I can see you went with the theme? Eggs." You laugh softly to him.

Gus crosses his arms over his protruding gut, "You've got me. I've got so many seasonal recipes, I don't even know what to do with them all. Festivals give me a chance to experiment."

"I don't think anyone would complain about that!"

He nods, "Free food, I haven't had any complaints yet. I should get back to it, lots of people to talk to." He jabs a thumb behind him.

"Don't keep your fans waiting." You smile to him.

Typically it wouldn't be practical to speak with every person attending an event, but the town is so small that you can easily make your rounds.

Jodi is huddled in with Caroline and Marnie, creating a little pod of maternal energy.

"Vincent loves this festival... it's a joy to see him so happy." Jodi's voice sounds distant and longing.

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