Chapter 2: Hope In The Heart

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Kion stared at the Deathberry. He opened his muzzle, ready to eat it, but he couldn't. "Ok, count to 3. 1...2...2 and one thousandths. 2 and two one thousandths. 2 and three one thousandths....ahh forget it," Kion chucked the berry away.

Kion sighed and looked down at his paws. He didn't know what he should do. He couldn't commit suicide. It just didn't seem right.

Kion slowly climbed down Rafiki's tree. He knew he would just have to deal with the neglect and abuse.

Kion walked back to the Lion Guard lair. He still had to do patrol, no matter what mental or physical state he was in.

Kion headed toward Priderock. He didn't realize he was being followed.

As Kion got closer to the lair, he heard the snap of a twig. He stood still, and sniffed the air.

Kion's eyes widened, "No..."

Kion heard the laugh of a hyena. He turned around, "Janja. I know you're there." Janja walked out of the tall grass, "Hello, Kion," Janja smirked evilly.

(Janja 18, Janja means, "Crafty, Artful)(I'm going to be honest, I never thought that is what Janja's name meant untill now)

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(Janja 18, Janja means, "Crafty, Artful)
(I'm going to be honest, I never thought that is what Janja's name meant untill now)

Kion took a deep breath. He knew he could beat Janja, but Janja has gotten tougher, and the abuse Kion got just made him weaker.

Janja stared at Kion, confused, "Aren't you going to use that fancy roar of yours?"

Kion tucked his ears down, and mumbled, "I don't have it anymore."

Janja laughed evilly and pounced on Kion, "I can beat you now!"

Kion tried pushing Janja off, but from the abuse, Kion lost his strength. Janja dug his claws into Kion's eye.

Kion roared and clawed down Janja's shoulder. Janja just laughed and ripped his claws into Kion's face.

Kion roared and punched Janja in the chest. Janja coughed up blood and got off Kion.

Kion stood up, blood running down his face. It went into his eyes, and blinded him. Kion pawed his eyes, trying to get the blood out.

Janja shook the pain off and growled at Kion. Kion choked on blood.

Janja jumped onto his back, and raked at Kion's fur with his claws. Kion tried kicking the hyena off, but Janja dug his claws into Kion's sides.

Kion's fur was matted with blood. Janja brought his claws up against Kion's neck, "Bye! Tell the Great Kings that they're the stupidest thing I've ever heard of for me!"

Kion now wished he had just gone with the deathberries. That would have been a much better way to die than this.

"HEY! OFF MY GRANDSON YOU...I refuse to swear."

Janja looked up. Kion found his strength and pushed the hyena off him.

Kion still couldn't see with the blood in his eyes, but by the voice, he knew it was his grandmother.

Sarabi charged toward Janja. She pinned him down aggressively, "You so much as lay a hair on my grandson, and I'll rip your head off and hang it in Priderock as a trophy!"

Janja gulped, and nodded. Sarabi let him go. Janja whimpered, and ran back to the Outlands.

Sarabi started coughing.

She took a deep breath, and walked up to Kion.

"Are you alright Kiongozi?" She asked. "Well, my body is in horrible pain, and I can't see. So yeah. I'm fine. At least this is better than the treatment I get from my family," Kion replied sarcastically.

Sarabi sighed, "Lean against me Kion. I'll take you to Rafiki."

Rafiki climbed up his tree. He had a bunch of new herbs he'd collected, and was sorting them. He was placing the Chervil Root down, when he noticed something. His coconuts had been moved, to show Deathberries. Rafiki had specifically hidden them so no one could find them.

Rafiki sighed, knowing someone had climbed up, wanting to commit suicide.

He looked around more, and found a red hair from a mane. He inspected it more closely, realizing it was Kion's.

Rafiki knew Kion's family didn't treat him well, but he never thought Kion would go so far.

Rafiki sadly walked to the Royal Painting of Kion. Simba had ordered Rafiki to put Kion's painting separate from the Royal Family. Rafiki agreed, but as soon as Simba had left that day, Rafiki put Kion's painting by his father's.

Rafiki dipped his fingers in red paint, ready to smear Kion's painting away, when he heard a roar from below the tree.

Sarabi roared, but coughed as she did so. She saw Rafiki looking down from the tree. "Kion needs help! Sarabi shouted, "Janja attacked him!"

Rafiki was thrilled, knowing the prince hadn't gone through with the suicide.

"One sec!" Rafiki shouted. He grabbed his staff, and jumped out of the tree.

Rafiki inspected Kion's eyes, and wounds.

"This is simple. I'll need Tansy for his wounds so they don't get infected, and I'll need mashed up Chervil mixed in water. But I don't want the roots of the Chervil, I want the leaves," Rafiki explained.

Sarabi stared at him, "What? Do you think I'm getting it for you? Because if you think that, you're horribly mistaken."

"Right, sorry," Rafiki apologized. He climbed up the tree.

Rafiki searched through his herbs. He found Chervil and ripped off the leaves. Then he found Tansy.

Rafiki grabbed one of the coconuts, and jumped back down.

Sarabi sat down, and watched. She coughed from time to time.

Rafiki mashed uo the Chervil leaves with water in the coconut. He then mashed up the Tansy, and rubbed it on Kion's wounds. Kion winced.

Rafiki rubbed the Chervil on Kion's eyes gently, "This might take a minute." He turned to Sarabi, "Want me to give you some petals to help with your breathing?"

Sarabi nodded. Rafiki grabbed some petals and held his hand out to Sarabi. She ate them.

He then washed the Chervil off Kion's eyes, "Better?" Kion nodded.

"Good. Now listen to me ok. The Grest Kings may have taken your roar, but that doesn't mean you aren't a leader. You always have been, and never forget it. No matter how much abuse and neglect you get, always remember that right here..." He pointed to Kion's heart, "...Is where the hope comes from."

Kion nodded, "Thanks Rafiki." Rafiki nodded.

Kion and Sarabi headed back to Priderock.

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