Right now, my biggest concern was this rival shit going on with an enemy family. The Braxtons. Man, I hate they asses. Trying to steal our territory and our people. Working overtime to try and steal our clients. It's stupid. I was going to end them the first chance I got.
Before going to the house, I stopped at a little boutique to pick up some gifts. Luckily they were still open. I got out and headed inside. "Welcome to Catarina's." I heard that angelic voice I always hear. "Ms. Jackson, hello."

"Hello, Miss lady. How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"Fine. Would be better if you'd tell me your name."

"No can do."


"Because the mystery is always more fun. I'm surprised you haven't had your powerful connections to look me up." She whispered the last part.

"What connections?" She laughed.

"Good one."

"Anyway, I feel like that's an invasion of privacy. I'd rather you tell me."

"Then you'll be waiting." She giggled and came around the counter. "So are we looking for more gifts for the ladies?"


"I thought so. Luckily, we just got in these gorgeous bracelets." She held them up.

"Perfect. As always. Ring them up and wrap them. Throw in some charms."

"Coming right up. Sarah, wrap these, please." Another girl came and wrapped everything up, while she rang everything up. Once everything was bagged and wrapped up, she handed it to me. "I hope they like it."

"I'm sure they will."

"Wait, aren't you going to tell her the total?" asked the other girl. We laughed.

"She never needs the total. Plus her cards are on file."


"For really big purchases, I use my Amex."



"Have a good night, Ms. Jackson."

"Have a good night, Ms. Lady." She giggled as I left.
I got back in the car and headed home. Pulling up, I punched in the gate code and headed up to the house. Getting to the house, I parked and headed inside. One of my workers will put my car in the garage later. Opening the front door, I was instantly hit with the smell of food.

"Ladies! Where y'all at?" I walked further into the house until I saw someone in the living room. "Hey, hey!" They turned and looked at me with smiles. I sat the bag down.

"Jan!" One came and hugged me. She pecked my lips.
"Glad you're home, baby." The other came hugged me and I kissed her too.

"Mmm, me too." I squeezed their asses. "I see y'all ain't wearing too many clothes today." I looked them over. They were in their underwear.

"We spent time outside at the pool."

"Gotcha." I sat on the loveseat while they sat on the couch.. "It's smelling good up in here. I'm guessing you cooked, Bey?"

"Yeah. You know I had to hook us up with the down south cooking." She said. "Kelly helped."

"That's why y'all asses and thighs so juicy."

"You know it, baby." said Kelly.

"Hook me up a plate while I check on the others."

"We're going to eat together. We were just waiting for you."

"Good. Set it up. I'll be back." They went to the kitchen and I headed outside. I saw a few of my other ladies by the pool. They were in underwear too, but no bra. They were laughing about something. "What's funny, ladies?" They turned and came towards me.

"Hey, Jan." They all gave me a kiss. "Lisa was just telling some funny stories."

"And naturally you laughed, huh Kim?"

"You know her loud ass was laughing."

"Shut up, Nicki." said Kim. They all went back to where they were sitting. I stood by the pool and greeted my girl in there.

"How you doing today, Liyah?" She smiled.

"Good." She was still very quiet. I don't blame her though, she's been through a lot.

"That's good. I see you joining the no clothes crew." She laughed. "But seriously, why y'all practically naked today?"

"Didn't feel like wearing clothes." said Nicki.

"Understandable. Where's Monica?" Their mood changed.

"She's around here somewhere." I made a face.

"What's wrong?"

"She's been acting weird lately. Not wanting to be around nobody." said Kim.

"Always going somewhere and not saying where. It's weird." said Lisa.

"And she always has an attitude. It's annoying." said Nicki.

"Hmm, I wonder what's wrong." I said.

"She ain't pregnant is she?" asked Lisa.

"God, I hope not. She's already irritating enough." said Liyah. We all turned.

"Dang, even Liyah spoke up. You need to deal with her Jan." said Nicki.

"I got it. We having dinner soon, so dry off and put on bras." They smacked their lips as the got up.

"All of sudden she don't want to see our breasts. We don't complain when you walking around with your breasts and dick out." said Kim. I leaned down to her.

"That's because you like this dick. Don't play with me knowing you gone be riding it later."

"Who said I'm gone ride you? What if Nicki wants to tonight?"

"Yall can all ride it. All I'm saying is don't talk shit about the dick you love." She smacked her lips. I squeezed her boob. "I'll see y'all at the table." The other ladies giggled as I went back in the house.
I headed up to my room hoping to see Monica. Just as I thought, she was in the room, laying across the bed, on her stomach, naked. I jumped in my pants. "Damn, look at your sexy ass." She looked back at me and rolled over onto her back. Her legs were spread slightly open.

"Hey, baby."

"How's my lovely wife doing today?"

"Good. I missed you."

"Did you?"


"The ladies said you were upset today. Is that why?"

"Of course it is." She got up and came to me. "I missed you all day, daddy." She rubbed on my chest.

"I understand. I'm here now, so you can cheer up. We're about to have dinner."

"You and me?"

"All of us." She made a face.

"Why can't it be you and me? I am your wife." That was sort of true. I was not legally married to Monica, but since she's been with me longer than any of the other ladies it felt natural. I did propose but I've been so busy that we never got around to the ceremony.

"I understand, but I'm loyal to those ladies too. Aren't you?" She looked at me then turned around and grabbed her silk robe.

"Sure, I am. Let's go eat." She left the room and I followed behind. There was definitely something up with her, but my mind was quickly off her when I saw all my ladies laughing and talking at the table. It did my heart good to see it. I'll deal with Monica another day.


How y'all liking it so far? This is going to be a non trauma book. Mostly just a little drama here and there.


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