The wind stung the tears and cuts on her face, wings beginning to falter. Her muscles were cramping and soon enough, she'd plummet to the ground. She wasn't high enough for it to kill her, only being just above the rooftops of the single floor buildings. So close, she was so close. A hand grabbed at her boot, and Theia screamed. She was unsteady enough in the air, the imbalance making her body drop a few feet before her wings caught the air again.

She'd kill him. When she was through that door and safe, Theia would slit Nyx's throat. His actions brought these males to her- their plans for her had bile rising in her throat. When the male's saw where Theia aimed her body, already loosing control and plummeting, they cursed and shot off across the village. Her shoulder hit the wooden porch and the pain was excruciating. Her vision blacked for only a moment, but she wasn't sure she'd be able to stand.

Heart still pumping adrenaline, she rose to her knees and slammed her fist into the door. She didn't stop until the door opened suddenly, the side of her fist colliding with Nyx's groin. He grunted, dropping to his knees. Theia couldn't help the grin that rose to her face, burning the swollen flesh on her jaw and cheeks.

Nyx hadn't had time to look up at her yet, and she used the final ember of strength to launch herself at him. His back hit the floor with a thud, her fists slamming into his jaw, shoulders, chest, anywhere she could land a blow.

"You've ruined everything," she growled, though her voice broke. Her muscles were too weak to hurt him, but she wanted to get her point across. Her body burned, eyes filling with tears again. Nyx finally caught her fist and spun them. She shouted in pain when her back hit the floor, body arching in response.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Nyx snapped, teeth bared as he hovered over her. Theia felt the heat of her tears sliding down her temple and into her hair, training her face into a glare. It took him all but five seconds to scan her face and throw himself back, hands leaving her wrists.

"I hate you," she croaked, unable to see him anymore. She closed her eyes, feeling her body fall into the state it had been before that male touched her. The trembling started, everywhere. She fought the urge to curl into a ball and succumb to the pain surrounding her.

"What happened? Who did this?" Nyx asked, his voice growing harsher at his second question. Theia parted her lips, but far too quickly her body decided it was time to stop fighting. She'd spent too much energy. Instead, she shook her head. Nyx cursed, seemingly crawling to her. She didn't open her eyes when his hand slid beneath her shoulders and thighs, hoisting her into his lap.

"Don't touch me," she tried to say, unsure how many of the words came out. Theia had forgotten her tears were falling until his lips were pressed to them, his hands slipping from her legs to brush back her hair. "Stop," she croaked, fighting every urge to relish in the feeling.

"Calm down, then," Nyx murmured. She realized then that he was rocking her; rocking her like a damn child. She wanted to hit him again. He kissed her swollen cheek softly, lips lingering there. She tried to pull her head away but the strain in her neck shot fire down her spine. Theia whimpered at the ache.

"I want to sleep." Her throat felt hoarse.

"Not yet. I need Madja to make sure you're not concussed. When she clears you, sleep all you want." She whimpered again, turning to a shout when Nyx stood. Now that her muscles relaxed, every ounce of the pain came in full force. He carried her up the stairs, turning to the left. Theia stiffened.

"No." Understanding well enough, Nyx turned to his own bedroom.

"Get out." Her eyes peeled open at the sound of his voice. Get out? She blinked, fighting the burning pain in her neck to turn her head. Her chest deflated at the sight of a female, face pale, scrambling to pull clothes on.

"What happened to her?"

"Get the fuck out," Nyx snapped. The female blanched and grabbed her coat before rushing out of his room. Of course. He'd been busy fucking another female when Theia was being mauled for his actions. Her rage grew. The front door slammed shut as Nyx sat Theia on the bed. He positioned her so that her shoulders and head rested on the headboard. Theia glared at him as he stepped back, realizing then that he was shirtless and only wore unbuttoned trousers.

"You're a pig," she rasped. Nyx's brow rose, a shrug forming in his shoulders as he grabbed a shirt from the floor.

"You're not the only one who uses my body as a distraction."

Her cheeks heated at that, shame climbing her spine. She had used him, but he'd offered himself to her. He'd said that he'd been wanting to do it for so long. She turned her head from him to look at the window.

"I'm going to get Madja and bring her here. I'll be back soon," Nyx grumbled. When she turned her head, he was gone. The memories of what had occurred tonight filled her mind. Theia was furious at herself for accepting her fate so quickly. Every punch and kick had her receding back in her own body, far enough that she'd accept any death. Was it because of that situation, or what her life had become? Why was the terror of Penelope's death the only thing that had her running?

The phantom of that male's hand in her leggings had her shivering. Was it death, or her body being violated that made her run? Why was rape her only encouragement to escape, and not having her spine severed by a dagger? Theia felt disgusted in herself. Perhaps, because in death her body would still be her own, but if she'd let that male continue, Theia wouldn't have that power anymore. She cringed to think what they would've done to her if she had died.

Her thoughts were cut short by Nyx and Madja appearing. Madja immediately came to the side of the bed and began checking Theia's eyes, ears, anything to tell if she had a concussion. Thankfully, she did not. When she began touching Theia's body to see where the pain hit, a sad look came across her face.

"I'll need to remove your clothing to observe the wounds," the healer said, fingers prodding Theia's ribs. Theia's eyes had remained on Nyx the entire time, closing to slits.

"That's fine."

Theia wanted Nyx to see the damage. Naked or not, she wanted to see his face when her wounds were bared. Madja cut her shirt down the middle, cringing when her skin was exposed. Theia kept her eyes trained on Nyx. His upturned eyes rounded slightly, cheeks bleached of color. Theia pulled her eyes from him to observe herself.

It wasn't as bad as she had thought- as it felt. Her waist and stomach were no longer the pale tone, but swirls of red, purple, and yellow. Part of her ribcage jutted out, probably broken. She wasn't worried, it wasn't fatal, but it hurt like Hell. She couldn't take in a breath without feeling like she'd been carved alive.

"Not to worry. I'll set the bones, give you some elixirs, and you'll be well enough to move in the morning. Your bones will still be fragile, so I'd suggest staying in bed until you feel completely healed."

Theia hardly heard Madja's instructions but nodded all the same. Her eyes went back to Nyx, who was now staring at Theia's cut leggings. Good, she wanted him to suffer by knowing everything. He'd started this all, and he'd deal with the repercussions.

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