|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy

Start from the beginning

I was done eating my breakfast. I stood up from my place. Baba and Chachu had already gone. Aaban and Salar also stood up seeing me. Mama smiled and stood up to blew verses on us. As she did it, she spoke rather angrily

"It's a shame that you're wife doesn't even care for you."

I didn't say anything and decided to leave. As I made my way outside, I saw dado coming back. When she saw me, she smiled brightly before saying

"Are you leaving already?"

I nodded my head. She kissed my forehead before muttering

"May Allah keep you three in his protection."

I smiled and then I saw her. She was standing in a corner. But the thing that amused me was her talking to Aaban rather casually. He was telling her something and she was smiling. Literally smiling. She never smiles when I talk to her. Forget about smiling, her lips didn't twitch. What is it that he's telling her that she is smiling that much. I made my way to them and heard Aaban saying

"Bhabhi, I must say you did alot of hard work. It's not easy to handle a man like Zain bhai. I salute to you!"

He saluted her making her laugh. I scoffed. What's so laughing about that? Aaban and his stupid jokes will never end. I cleared my throat to gain their attention before I stated

"Shall we leave now that you have completed your chatter, Aaban?"

He turned to me look at me. He smiled sheepishly before saying rolling his eyes

"You're such a bore. You're no fun."

He groaned before making his way to the car where Salar was already waiting. They both sat down before driving away. I sighed heavily before turning to her. She was looking down. She was avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed before asking

"Where did you go?"

She didn't reply. She kept looking down not saying anything. My jaw clenched before I repeated my question. My voice was stern and hard this time. She finally answered

"I accompanied Shehnaz Ammi to the park."

Her voice was monotone. She still doesn't look at me. I again stated

"You should know that it's not good for her to exhaust herself like that. She shouldn't walk too much."

I heard her taking a big breath and even heard her mumbling something under her breath but it was inaudible to my ears. She finally said

"Yeah, I know. But she was insisting so much."

I shook my head and said

"But you should be careful. Dado's health is really risky right now."

She nodded her head before making her way inside. I also made my way to the car to leave for the office...

Shiza's POV

I was walking down the street with Shehnaz Ammi. She was keen on taking me with her. I tried to refuse but she didn't agree and ordered me to accompany her. So, here I am. We both had already visited her friend and now we are taking a stroll in the park. At one point, she stopped and sat down at the bench. I asked her

"Are you tired?"

She nodded her head. I immediately brought the water bottle and gave it to her. She drank the water and sighed heavily. I sat down beside her and said to her

"You should be careful about your health."

She passed me a smile before saying

"Beta, I am ok. I am absolutely fine."

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