Untitled Part 8

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Rex blinked as he found himself alone with Mei Raiden. While the two are friends, they were never as close as Kiana and him, but they were friends. The two were in the kitchen as the young man tightened his apron before sharpening his knife. 

"So, what would you like to cook?" 

Peeking over the corner, Kiana and Bronya observed the princes and the gambler as they prepared their meal. 

"Anything edible," Rex answered as he opened a notebook and opened a certain section. Curious, Mei peeked over the notebook, revealing the slightly messy notes about numerous recipes with some doodles here and there. 

The four were alone in the dorms as Kali had asked him to stay in the dorms. 

"Anything you want, Kiana?" Rex asked, causing the girl to perk up. "How about you, Bronya?" 

"Mei-Senpai!" Kiana said, hugging her best friend, causing them to bump onto Rex. 

"Sorry, Rex," Mei said with a small apologetic bow. 

"No worries," Rex said as he looked at Kiana. "Be careful," 

"I will," Kiana replied with a grin. The young woman smiled as she looked at the ay hoe Mei peeked over at Rex's notebook as the young man cooked. 

"Hi~!" Rex stopped chopping his ingredient when a pair of snake-like green met his. Draped on the window, dressed in a lab coat over her clothes. 

"Gah! What are you doing in my lovenest with Mei-Senpai!" Kiana shouted as she glared at the woman, getting in front of Mei while still behind Rex. 

"Oh, my~ Seems like you have a cat after you," The woman said as she fluidly got up from the window and immediately got in front of Kiana, a smirk on her face. "Greetings, I'm Mobius, Mobius Shariac. It's nice to see the girl, especially a distant relative, that Rex tells me about all the time." 

Suddenly, Rex froze from his imminent suffocation from Mobius' boobs as he turned around to see Kiana smiling at him brightly. 

"You talk about me?!" Kiana asked, if she were a dog, her tail would have been wagging now. 

"He does," Mobius said with a smile, hugging Rex from behind. "He told me you were the most energetic person he ever met and that you were very adorable," 

Hearing those words, Rex froze and slowly wilted while Kiana, she just grinned and held her face, swaying from side to side. 

"And you must be Mei, the prettiest girl Rexxie," Mobius moved quickly, disarming the knife from Rex and immediately pinning him on the ground under her heel. "As I was saying, the prettiest girl Rexxie here ever met." 

This time, Mei blushed a bit as she looked at the writhing form of her only male friend, seemingly in agony. 

"P-please, let Rex go," Mei pleaded as Mobius grinned and stopped stepping on Rex. 

"Well, as I was saying, I am Mobius Shariac, Rex's sister-in-law," Mobius announced proudly as Rex slowly sat up. "Tell that to Big Sis Ely," Rex whispered under his breath as he and Mei looked each other in the eye. Sadly, it was broken when Mobius grabbed his head. 

"She's here?" Mobius asked, a sickly green aura escaping from her body. 

"Well, big sis Kasumi and Kali are," Rex said as Mobius effortlessly picked him up, carrying him under her arm, like a child, and walked away. 

"Give subject Rex back," Bronya said in her usual monotone as project bunny materialized behind her. 

"No! Bronya! Stand down!" Rex shouted at his friend as he tried to get out of the hold. 

"Nyet. Subject Rex-" 

"STAND DOWN!" Rex shouted as steam escaped from his body, causing Bronya to stop.


Mobius smiled as she watched the events happen from her phone as she sat on Reinhardt's desk. The young woman wore a green swimsuit that matched her eyes and hair. 

"You have to stop teasing Rex, Mobi," Reinhardt said as he looked at the doctor. 

"Why would I do that? Rex is my little brother." Mobius smirked, ignoring the glare Reinhardt gave her. Mobius smiled as she sat on his lap, pressing her ear on his chest. "It's fine, Rein. I'll find a way," The woman promised as she looked at her friend, the snake might have been obsessed with science but Reinhardt was her best friend and she will save him. 

"I know, Mobius," Reinhardt said as he looked at his bare hands, rather lone flesh and bone hand. His left hand was replaced with a highly-realistic and high-quality prosthetic along with his right eye and a portion of his right temple. 

Mobius smiled as she slowly looked under his body, seeing the scars and medals he got from countless missions that he did over the years before frowning at the pink circuit-like lines on his left arm. She will find a way, she will never. 

Stopping her thoughts, Mobius kissed him on the lips gently before resting her head on his chest listening to his heart. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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