Chapter 12: Those Who Stand Against Our Path

Start from the beginning

Heh, I knew he'd warm up to me eventually.

"At any rate, Todoroki's method was logical and strategic; slowing down his opponents while giving himself a major opening is a surefire tactic as well." Aizawa analyzed.

"As expected of someone who got in through recommendations!" Present Mic shouted. "I guess the first barrier must have been a piece of cake; Kids are flooding on through to the next round!"

I heard more explosions from behind me. Could it be Bakugo? No matter who it is, it seemed that Todoroki and I aren't the only ones who're gonna be fighting for first place.
I looked ahead of me to see if I could catch sight of the next obstacle. I couldn't see, but luckily I could count on Present Mic's announcing to give me a heads up.

"Now, for the second obstacle!" He started. "If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl! It's 'The Fall'!"

There was a large abyss with other rocky platforms jutting out from below, all connected together with tightropes.
This would be another easy one. I stopped at the edge to guess how much space was between each platform, along with how wide each one was. After I found my mark, I backed up to get a running start and jumped forward. I landed safely on a platform and quickly jumped to the next. Just like that, I made it past the trench and kept running with Todoroki, and now Bakugo close behind me.
I just have to keep up this pace...

Hagakure's POV:

Oh, man! This race sucks! Everyone here has such a helpful Quirk for this kind of stuff, but I'm just stuck being see-through!

I was struggling to keep up with my class, but by the looks of it, I was still keeping pace to at least not be eliminated. Before, I was actually doing fine close to the front of the crowd, but those robots slowed me down a lot.

"Come on, Toru. No pain, no gain." I said to myself out loud. "Hopefully, the next obstacle isn't as ba-" I stopped as I came to the edge of the trench.

Are you kidding me? I guess there's only one thing for it...

I got down and grabbed on to one of the ropes connecting the rock platforms. I wrapped my whole body around it and shifted across each gap upside down, not acknowledging the rather deep cavern that lay below me.
After a long effort, I made it to the other side. I couldn't see them, but my hands felt like they were blistering. I chose to just try and ignore the pain and ran on to the next stage. Taking a quick look backwards, it seemed that a lot of people fell down in the trench, so there were fewer opponents for me to worry about.

I looked up at one of the jumbotrons they had lining the stadium. It looked like Y/n was still sitting pretty in first, but others were catching up a slight bit. Since they did say that anything goes, I really hoped that there would be no attacks from someone like Bakugo. Even if I didn't qualify, I hoped that Y/n would, at the very least. If this race followed a classic rule of three, there'd be only one more obstacle in his path. It wouldn't be long, now.

Go, Y/n! You can do it!

Y/n's POV:

Damn, it's getting hard to keep a good lead. These guys are relentless. I've definitely gotten a bit faster since the start of the year, but if it comes down to a one-on-one race, Bakugo might beat me out for first. My saving grace is that he must've been using his explosions all race, which should take a toll on him eventually. We'll see.

I came to the site of the next obstacle and saw nothing but an open dirt field. I looked closer and saw that some circular patches were darker than the rest of the ground.

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