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Looking out into the sky I felt the wind turn just for a moment. "The time as come," I spiel softly got I was not young as I used to be. Looking past the trees and through the mountains I set my eyes on a small village. Two young children were now training with one another to be warriors. Question is, will thy choose wisely for who they serve?

Going back to where I stood I recalled something that I knew was to happen. Slowly turning around into the lovely cottage I own, trees and rivers surrounded my home as I hoped not to be found. Going inside to find a scroll with a poorly written prophecy.

The old, the new

The poor, the rich

The sick, and the great

In the end they get all have the same fate

For it is not told how they will survive the fight

But four shall thrive through the night

To concur evil and beat The Lord of disasters

The ones who were worth nothing shall become masters

Evil shall rise again

The loss is great but the gain is right

Are they worthy to stay and fight

I smiled to myself reading the prophecy that was soon to become. Maybe a key is just what they need. For ones to come and save the day. Wait. Now I'm rhyming. Well I guess that's what you get when you are reading and always having prophecies around all the time.

Yay first book and yes this is short for a reason. The next one will throw you off just a little but you'll know what will happen soon enough. LythionFlame wrote the prophecy. Soon @love-damn-wolves will be writing so go follow.


Jessica's POV

"Twenty laps NOW!" The coach said with a deep voice to the class.
Hi I'm Jessica's and as you can see im at school, but it's no ordinary school it's like a training camp. Just better. What do we train for you may ask, well we train to one day become worriors. I'm one of the many few people who are the best. I'm known for killing anything/anyone bad or evil. It's just our job. I've been a trainee since I was very little. I used to have a friend whom trained with me, but he had to go to his section of warriors. Sometimes I wonder if i'll ever see him again, but then again it really doesn't bother me, and that's my life. I'll see you soon in this crazy adventure.


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