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Satisfied with your visit, you decide to take a walk around the Town. However, you can't help but repeat Ponk's words in your mind. If you want more information, you should go to Philza. The Crowfather. The mayor of Urvorum who ended up legalizing any crime against you. And honestly, just for that, you feel like you should start a case against him, because something like that goes against human rights. Only problem is that you neither have the money nor the motivation to put actual energy into doing that, with the perfect knowledge that you would never be able to win such a case to begin with, at least not on your own.

A deep sigh leaves your lips as your feet end up bringing you to the castle anyway, at which you look up to take in the beauty of the building. Whoever was the architecture responsible for putting it together: they really put all into it. The statues relating to Roman mythology, and the six angels with their trumpets, so it's also symmetrical. The repeating pattern of moths and crows are very evident as well.

It's just a very pretty thing to see, and it's such a shame the vampires have to live in it.

Without a second thought, or deciding to respect them or their boundaries, however, you simply open the doors and enter, finding the hallways completely empty. You walk through them, admiring how magnificent it looks inside as well, until you end up in some very big chamber which you haven't seen before. There are paintings hanging on the walls, and there's one big window through which a person can easily enter. Your footsteps echo against the walls as you approach one of these paintings, to look at the faces of the entire family.

Tommy seems to be just as young on here as he is now, though it's clear he has grown more mentally than he lets you believe. Wilbur looks content, which you didn't expect from the arrogant asshole – though, to be frank, you're not sure how he is now, since the possession-situation really brought him into some very off-putting and different state – and Technoblade looks pretty much the same. Phil looks actually really happy, and the woman on there as well looks satisfied.

You take a good look closer. She looks very familiar. Have you met her before?

No, that can't be. If she was a vampire and a member of this human-hating family, why would she ever interact with you? And yet, you very vaguely recall a sweet, concerned voice speaking to you in a moment of crisis. A woman to save you from your most terrifying nightmare, always bringing you to peace again.

You've met her before. That has to be the case. But when? And where? And why?

"Kristin was the closest thing to a mother I've ever had," the unexpected voice of Technoblade suddenly speaks, as you look to your right, where he's standing out of the sudden. "She's always been good to everyone. She was called the Mothmother for a reason." You hum, recklessly commenting the thing that bothers you so much.

"I know her. I've spoken to her before, I'm just trying to remember when?" Technoblade simply laughs at your words, shaking his head as though he thinks you're genuinely joking, even going as far as mumbling 'really funny, Y/N', at which you look at him with offense in your eyes. "I'm being for real! I know her. I've met her before. I just can't bring back the memories, for some reason."

"Kristin was dead before you even knew what a school looked like. You really expect me to believe you've had a conversation with you before? I know you're odd when it comes to death, but you still age like everyone else."

"Bitch, I've met your mother before, and I know this. Maybe I saw her ghost or something, I don't fucking know but I did." Technoblade closes his eyes for a moment, before taking another step forward to closely look at the painting, likely looking for reasons why this could be the case. And as you're holding onto that certainty, the sounds of a giant bird landing inside of the room suddenly interrupt, as Phil lands, dropping Wilbur on the ground as well, who groans at the unexpected contact with the floor.

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