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With shaky hands, Sally looks down upon the bleeding body of the person she despises the most. She doesn't care how many terrible people she'll ever come across: nobody will ever surpass him when it comes to how much Sally hates him. That bigoted, arrogant, son of a bitch will never be able to piss her off as much as he did. At the start of their relationship, she already knew he was like that, and still, she married him. Maybe it was the peer pressure of her family, maybe it was his great amount of money and powerful political position, or maybe she just overly romanticized him and chose to ignore the red flags in the process. She doesn't know. But she does know that it was her biggest regret. Her decision to ignore led to the death of the one she loved the most. Her own son.

And now, he's dead, and she blames her husband – now ex-husband – for it fully.

"I know you and he didn't agree with each other in the politics, Sally, but the citizens are still going to punish for you for being married to the enemy, you do realize that, right?" Sally knows who the Grim Reaper is. She looks at them, hoping that they'll take her soul with them and sent them to Hell immediately, and talks.

"Please," she begs, tears in her eyes as her voice breaks down, the one thing about herself that she's always been proud of. "Kill me. Reunite me with my son."

"I can't bring back Floris, neither can I bring you to him, Sally. It's not your time yet and even if it were, your son will not find the peace he may or may not deserve." Sally sobs, hanging her head against the wall as she's still holding the gun in her hands, considering bringing herself onto the same fate as the one she forced her husband to face. And as Grim Reaper notices the way her face shifts, they come closer, grabbing the gun with one hand. "Don't do it, Lachs. It's not worth it. You still have the ability to change your life, but once you're dead, the suffering will only be worse."

"Don't call me Lachs, Reaper," Sally commands them, looking at them with hostility. "I don't want to be associated with my family anymore."

"But neither do you want to be with his, right?" Grim Reaper points at the corpse on the other side fo the room, making Sally look away from him immediately. "I happen to know that the Kabeljau family is in contact with an elven family, who in turn happen to have some interesting information about a certain place for people like you."

"What? Women who made mistakes? Who went with the wrong men? Who stayed silent when they should've screamed?"

"I'm talking about non-humans, Sally. The end of this void that is the accidental existence of humanity and nature. The beginning of the finale: a place where the apocalypse will start one day, or rather the satisfying destruction of this Hell. You'll be able to find love there, and who knows? Maybe you can make sure that you forgive yourself before I'll finally take your soul."

Sally stares at them confusedly. What are they talking about? A place? A happy place?

"Where is it?"

"I can't give that information away for free, Sally Lachs. You'll have to give me something."

Sally falls silent for a moment, before responding. "Salmon. Call me Sally Salmon." Grim Reaper nods, as she continues. "What do you want me to give? What is it I have to do?"

"One day, the skies will be torn open and a child will fall into this world. The child themselves will be found by someone else, so that's not something you have to worry about, but they too will arrive at the town where you'll find yourself surrounded by people just like you. This human, who does not come from here, must be protected at all costs and I want you to watch them."

"Watch them?"

"Make sure nothing too bad happens to them. Maybe you consider them to be divine or untouchable, but they are a lot more fragile when it comes to the future of this universe. They need to be alive, Sally, and I'm hereby trusting you with that responsibility." Sally hesitates. Should she? Should she accept this odd deal? Or should she hope that she'd be killed without too much suffering?

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