CHAPTER XLI: The Hanged Man

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"Stay still, Tommy. I can't embalm you if you keep moving." Wilbur watches with crossed arms and in silence as Tommy's skin, red and burnt, is treated by Technoblade. The boy went out earlier today than usual, wanting to watch the sunrise with Ranboo and Tubbo, without any of the family knowing about it. He told them that it was meant to be a secret. Apparently, according to the ghoul at least, they'd been doing it every week, while listening to some ancient music. "The water reflects the light very prettily," the satyr had agreed. "And the bench is just near the border of the town, so we believed that nobody would be able to find us there. Only Jared, but he has never told anyone."

However, as soon as the sun had started coming up, Tommy had started feeling as though he was on fire. Tubbo and Ranboo said that he'd started screaming, as his skin started steaming. Thankfully, Jared's house wasn't far away, so they quickly fled and hid there for a bit, which the spirit didn't mind. And although they managed to cool him a little bit with some rain water in a bath – because of a leaking roof – they had to bring him back to the castle while reassuring he'd still be hidden from the sunlight.

As soon as he'd come home and Philza had seen his injuries, he descended into the tunnels under the town; the only way to get to Crimson. Nobody but the Protectors have ever been allowed to enter these, because of the apparent presence of an evil force that only they are powerful enough to withstand. According to the Crowfather, it's been there as long as he can remember. It's theorized by some of the residents that that's what Crimson got out of, but from what Wilbur knows, they've never seen anything physical. Humans would call it a demon, but this being surpasses even the greatest.

It's unknown what it is. Wilbur doesn't even know if that question will ever be answered. All he knows, is that it's made victims before who tried to go in there. Bad was once found in them by Crimson, confused and delusional, and none of them know how he got in there in the first place, since the only entrances are at the living places of the protectors, meaning there are three in total, one of which has been abandoned because of XD's banishment, and, since these were used after Kristin's death, there is one that would've been shared between her and Philza. Crimson's entrance is their home, deep under the ground.

"Do y'all think something happened during that weird thing this night?" Wilbur doesn't speak and instead listens to Tommy's curiosity speaking. Wilbur felt the outburst. Honestly, he's convinced almost everyone did. As soon as he felt it, he didn't know what to think. His heart pounded in his chest, but it didn't feel the same way it had done in the past.

Unlike in the past, where he felt enthusiastic feeling his heartbeat, he was terrified. He doesn't know how to describe it. At the moment it happened, he was walking through the hallways of the castle after reading in one of the chambers, when he suddenly felt it. He remember having to lean against the wall as it brought him nausea, the overwhelming sensation both bringing him excitement and pure horror.

For one of the first times ever, he was scared to die.

He knows that wasn't your energy. At least, not on its own. He has heard some stories already, and Techno felt it too, commenting on how it drained the life out of him. He was the one to theorize that the flower had something to do with it.

"Possibly," Techno answers nonetheless, likely not wanting to alarm him. "But we have to stay inside until it's night. It's already caused chaos and panic in the citizens, so you have to prioritize your safety so the people have something to turn to in case they need it."

"You?" Tommy repeats the singular word. "What about you?"

"Techno's an anarchist, Tommy," Wilbur speaks arrogantly, making eye contact with his younger brother. "You really believe he'd dare to do anything that would picture him as a leader?" Silently, he adds: "Although his bossiness and stubbornness would make me believe him to be a tyrant himself."

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