Chapter 1

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Anxiety twisted in his stomach as he walked down the sidewalk. His eyes scanned over colorful signs for the businesses that filled Megapolis. His eyes landed on the sign he was looking for.

Celestial Fox Bakery

He reached the door to the bakery and walked in hearing the little golden bell above ring. A blonde fox demon with light blue highlights skipped out of the kitchen. She had a sugary sweet smile as it was obvious she was putting on a customer service voice "welcome to Celestial Fox Bakery how can i help you today~"

The shadow monkey chuckled and he moved to the counter "got anything with mango?"

The fox demon gasped and squeaked excitedly when she saw him "Mac!

"Hey Meiying long time no see" the monkey chuckled.

"I'll say!" She pouted "where have you been?"

"Oh you know me~" he gave her a mischievous smirk "just running around scheming~"

The demon rolled her eyes "go sit down and I'll bring ya some Mango buns and tea."

Macaque thanked her and chose to sit at one of the small tables in the corner. It was out of the way and felt a little more private then the other small cafe tables. He looked around admiring the small shop, the pastries sitting in the cases were cute. The blue accents and little fox decorations practically screamed Meiying.

Speaking of the demon, she came out of the kitchen with a tray. She moved to the table and placed a plate of mango buns, a fox themes teapot and blue and white tea cups. She tucked the tray behind the counter before coming back and joining him at the table. 

"Did you have to theme everything with foxes?" The monkey lightly poked the teapot.

"Yes i did" the fox huffed and shoved a mango bun into his mouth "shut up it's cute."

Macaque happily bit down on the pastry enjoying the sweet and refreshing jam in the middle. He truly missed his friends baked goods, he needed to stop by more. As he inhaled the bun Meiying set to pouring their tea. 

"So what brings you to my neck of the woods~" 

Macaque took a sip of the tea and sighed "I-I....need a favor...."

The fox demon looked at the monkey curious, the nervous tone in his voice told her she wasn't going to like the favor. She put down her cup and prepared her self for whatever he was going to ask.

"What do you need?"

Macaque looked down and his voice shook as he talked "i-i need him gone.....completely....i want Wukong erased from my memories....."

Her eyes widened and she shook her head "Mac don't ask me to do this...i know you guys are having a rough time but you need to work through it."

The shadow monkey shook his head "i can't do it Meiying, i don't think i can move past it and he absolutely hates me."

She opened her mouth to argue but couldn't think of anything to say. She sighed and ran her hands through her hair with a tired groan.

"You know i don't like doing this Mac...."

"Please.....I'm tired of being mad and hurt, i don't want to cause the monkie kid any more problems either......he's a good kid" Macaque smiled a bit to himself.

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