Chapter 7- Australia

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(Word count 1.8k)

"And here we are everyone, in sunny Australia for this week's Grand Prix.  I'm joined by F1 journalist Will Buxton and here's what you need to know about today's race"

"With a track length of 5.3km the drivers today will be racing for a total of 58 laps for pole position. With 16 corners and four DRS zones, everyone wonders what driver will be victorious" Will added.

"They certainly are, Will. Can Hamilton bring it home making it his 101th win or will Australia's very own driver Daniel Riccairdio be able to win a home race?"

"That is the question that seems to be crossing everyone's minds Y/N. Who will win today's race? With only 5 minutes until lights out let's head over to Crofty and Jenson. Over to you guys" Will says ending the pre race talk.

It was shorter than your usual interviews with Will but at least it gave you time to get down to the track to say goodluck to Charles before the race began. It was your mission to do so too, you wanted him to win this race, he needed a chance to fight for the championship this year.

You saw his car in P3 and ran over to him, pushing past all the mechanics in your way.

"Charles!" You called him so he could hear you loud enough from inside the car. "Bonne chance bébé. Je sais que vous pouvez le faire!"
Good luck baby. I know you can do this.

He didn't say anything in response as you wouldn't be able to hear him properly but you touched foreheads with one another. It wasn't the goodluck kiss he was wishing for but it was something and that was all that mattered.

The thirty second warning was called and everyone cleared the track and you made your way to the Mercedes garage to watch the race.

You grabbed your headset and took the set next to your father watching the race begin. "Are you not going to watch Charles?" He asked.

"Well we haven't exactly made a statement about the kiss yet so I thought it would be better to sit here. I'm still supporting Ferrari, Papa"

"I know. You haven't exactly got a-"

There was a huge crash on turn 10. Lando locked up causing George to crash into the barriers. The whole garage went silent. Even George's race engineer was in shock.

"George, confirm you're okay" The engineer said.

The three seconds he took to answer felt like a lifetime and the whole team sighed in relief when they knew George was alright and not hurt.

"Alright Lewis, safety car" Bono warned him.

The safety car was in for about a lap and a half before returning to pit lane and the race was underway once again.

Charles had managed to get P2, he was currently fighting with Max for 1st, Daniel followed behind him and Lewis behind him. So far it was a good race, you just hoped and prayed Charles could get a win. Luckily you had no interviews after the race so you would be able to celebrate with Charles if he did win.

Toto could see you checking the race map for Leclerc's position.

"Machen Sie sich keine Sorgen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass er sich durchsetzen wird." He assured you.
Don't worry, I'm sure he will win.

Although he was the principal of Mercedes he still acknowledged the other drivers talents and could spot a champion a mile away if he ever saw one, and he knew deep down that one day Charles was capable of doing that.

50 laps in and Verstappen was still first and Charles was still fighting hard with him, he didn't once give up. Lewis was able to secure third place and overtake Daneil and the crash of George and Lando in the beginning of the race made them DNF so 18/20 drivers were finishing the race in Australia

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