"Another month."

"A whole month! Then we have plenty of time to go out for drinks!" I don't know what to say so I just give her a nod. "I'd love to catch up. Aryll is a bit young for osake, but you should bring Zeruda-san!"

"I'm not too young," Aryll butts in with a cheeky grin. "I've brewed sake with Obachan before!"

"Yeah but you're too young to drink it," I tell her.


"Yah-uh! They don't allow kids in bars."

"Still the same goofball, I see," Ruto giggles.

Zelda's POV

I don't understand anything they're saying but I can tell that Aryll likes that girl. A lot. She must be a family friend of some kind. Maybe even a relative? A cousin? But then why do I feel like a third wheel all of a sudden?

Ruto seems to be saying goodbye now and waves her hand at us before she leaves. I decide not to ask questions. I'm sure Link is hungry and would rather eat than explain how they know each other. Maybe he will explain who she is without me having to ask nosy questions.

As we walk down the path to find a less busy spot to eat, Link begins to translate some of their conversation.

"Ruto and I went to the same high school." Not a cousin then, I assume. "She invited us for drinks. We don't have to go though."

"Sounds like a nice idea," I say to his surprise. "She seems like a good friend." He doesn't correct me, so I assume I'm on the right track. "If you want to catch up with her, I think you should."

Link is hesitant to say more. He stops walking, making me stop as well to look at him.

"I think I should probably tell you beforehand though that her and I used to date. Just don't want it to come up later and look like I was hiding it."

I feel my muscles freeze beneath my skin. I always knew that he had more experience when it comes to such things but I never imagined a face when thinking of his past relationships. She is so beautiful and sweet. And cute. And extroverted. And good with kids. And why does this hurt so much?

I take a deep breath. My mind is set on reacting in a mature manner.

"Thanks for telling me," I say calmly.

"So is that okay?" he asks cautiously.

"It's in the past, right?"


"Then of course it's okay."

I expected him to tell me more about their conversation but he doesn't. He just leaves it at that while a thousand questions flood my mind.

As we satiate our appetites with a delicious feast and indulge in mouth-watering desserts, the vibrant energy of the Natsu Matsuri beckons us to explore more. With our hands intertwined, we walk up a flight of ancient stone stairs, surrounded by intricate decorations and illuminated lanterns that infuse the atmosphere with a warm, inviting glow. As we climb higher, the enchanting beauty of Japan unfolds before us, enveloping us in its timeless charm and timeless traditions. Traditions I am not a part of... But guess who is.

And just like that, I am thinking about Ruto again.

I can't let this get to me. I don't want to focus my thoughts on that right now. I want to enjoy the festival and give Link a good time. Just because he's had relationships in the past, doesn't mean it's going to affect ours. We are happy, and that's all that should matter.

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