Birthday Girl

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Riff had gotten up early to make Ally her favorite breakfast, chocolate chip pancakes. He invited both the sharks and jets to their apartment to celebrate. Riff was excited as the last time he spent Ally's birthday with her was when she turned two. It broke his heart that his little girl was growing up but at the same time he couldn't be prouder of her.

Tough as nails like him but had a big heart like her mother. Soon Ally walked in yawning. "There's my girl happy birthday sweetheart" he said placing the pancakes down for her. "Thank you daddy" she replied and began to eat. "Damn your uncle Ice was right when he said you eat like Diesel" Riff said laughing as she wiped syrup of her face. The jets would joke and say it was like looking at a car dripping with oil due to his nickname.

Ally laughed and Riff smiled and laughed with her. Soon after breakfast they made their way to the park and Riff and Ally wrestled till they tired themselves out. After their time at the park Riff took Ally to see Anita to get her dress. It was a beautiful red dress with a bow. Although Anita said it was a gift Riff still payed her (by giving the money to Bernardo as Anita wasn't having it) now that he was working a bit more to support both himself and his daughter.

 Although Anita said it was a gift Riff still payed her (by giving the money to Bernardo as Anita wasn't having it) now that he was working a bit more to support both himself and his daughter

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Once the two picked up the dress they went back to the apartment and both got changed. The two began to hear footsteps outside the door and it was slammed open it's the boys toppling over one another presents in their hands arguing who's gift Ally was opening first due to being the "favorite uncle". "She's opening mine first because I'm her father" Riff said ending the fight between not just his boys but the Sharks too. When Ally walked out everyone smile and Action twirled her around. Suddenly the door opened revealing Velma, Anita and Mari followed closely by Toney and Bernardo.

"Sorry we're late we had to pick up some candles for the cake" Velma said. Ally hugged the three girls and her two uncles. Anita had once again volunteered herself to do something for the girl's birthday and made her tres leches from scratch. After staying with Maria and Toney one night the 5 year old had some for dessert and it's been her favorite ever since.

Everyone gathered around the table together and after singing happy birthday Riff helped Ally cut the cake and everyone sat and shared stories and laughter. "Alright everyone get together" Anita said as she held a camera. One of the sharks insisted the he would take the picture since he know how much Anita loved Ally and after making her a dress AND a cake he at least wanted her to be a part of Ally's birthday picture. "This is the best birthday ever" Ally smiled as she sat on Riffs lap upside down laughing causing everyone else to do same.

It was a true statement though. Riff and Lilly could never afford a cake or all the ingredients to make one as well as a gift so for the first two birthdays Riff had with her before she was taken they put their money together so they could at least buy her a cupcake and a small toy. Now Ally had two gangs full of people she saw as Aunts and Uncles as well as her father. All who would pitch in to help raise her for the years to come, she had a real birthday cake and lots of presents. She finally had the birthday Riff believes she deserved.
I'm SO SO SO sorry about the long hiatus I took. I'm not the best at consistency so updates may take a while as I get so delved into some of the stories on Wattpad myself. Don't worry this story will still continue. I want to mention the different presents Ally got in the next chapter. Comment what gift(s) Ally would get along with who would get them for her. Thank you for your patience and I'm so sorry for such an agonizing wait.

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