the meaning of a tough cookie, tonys return and the first Hawk sighting.

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Riff was walking back to his apartment with Ally asleep his arms. The two of them have been out all day as Riff needed some food from the market that this time he paid for as Ally was with him and the rest of the day was spent at the park letting Ally run around. Most of the kids however stayed away afraid of the girls rough play or parents made an excuse and took there kids back home. Ally was upset that none of the other kids wanted to climb or wrestle with her and it broke Riffs heart.

Ally had asked why none of the other kids wanted to play with her and Riff wanting to cheer the girl up and build more confidence in her simply said that they were simply afraid not of her but of not being able to keep up with such a tough cookie. It was absolutely true. Given Ally was a mini Riff she was one of the toughest little girls out there. Most little girls wanted to play tea party and wear dresses and make up. Ally liked to wrestle and climb rocks and trees and wear things that made her comfy not cute.

Riff said that tough cookies were very rare to find and he was lucky to have met not one (Lilly) but two. As the two were half way home Riff heard someone call his name. When he turned around he saw Tony walking out of a building across from a dress shop. "Tony what are you doing here!" Riff whispered with excitement and a giant smile. "Maria and I just came back after a while of being away. Is that who I think it is? He asked with an ear to ear grin.

Tony was Ally's godfather and helped Riff hide her as long as he could. He loved the little girl more than anything and would do anything for her. "It sure is. Little runt tuckered herself out runnin around the park like an animal" Riff chuckled. He looked back at the man that was his brother and that helped raise Ally for the first two years of her life. "Just like her dad then right?" Tony joked making Riff roll his eyes.

The two of them began to walk to the apartment building. Riff relayed the story of how he was given custody of Ally and the alliance they made with the Sharks. The two Jets were a few blocks away when Riff spotted someone perched up on a wall that he had never seen before. Taking a closer look at the man he saw a feather tattoo with the word Hawk tattoos next to it. "He's one of them" he mumbled. "Who?" Tony asked looking around. That guy sitting on the wall. Jet turf. He's part of the new gang the Hawks" Riff replied.

"I'll keep a look out for more on my way back home and let you know if I see any" Tony said. He and Maria have been staying out of any gang business ever since they came pick from hiding in Brooklyn but that wouldn't stop him from making sure Ally was safe and if that meant he had to deal with another gang again he'd do it. All to protect her. "How's Maria?" Riff asked as they walked into the apartment building. He struggled with the lock as Ally was in his arms so Tony opened the door and followed them up the stairs.

"She's been good. Catching up with Bernardo and Anita and she's gonna start working at the dress shop again" he replied. Riff walked into his room and gently laid Ally down tucking her in with her stuffed dog and kissed her head. The father smiled as he watched Tony do the same and they slowly walked out of the room. "I take it you're in his good graces now?" Riff asked.

"Yeah. He's happy I was able to keep Maria safe and provide whatever she needed for her so I think we're good" Tony replied. "I'm glad you got your girl buddy boy" Riff said patting his friends shoulder. "You're allowed to be happy too Riff" Tony told him. Tony hoped Riff would find someone while he was gone and finally be happy eventually getting Ally back in the process.

Riff had one of those two things and Tony could only hope he found love for himself and Ally. "I am happy Tony. I'm okay being a single dad. All I need are my boys and my girl and that's good enough for me" Riff said with a warm smile. Tony nodded satisfied with the answer he got even if it wasn't the one he wanted. "I'll see ya later buddy boy" Tony said. "Womb to tomb?" Riff asked. "Sperm to worm" Tony replied before he left. Riff slipped off his shoes, got ready for bed and slid in next to Ally quickly fall asleep. Content but more importantly happy. He didn't need a woman when he had the most important thing in his life with him. And that was good enough.

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