Attempted kidnap and successfull return

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Maria and Ally were out shopping for material as Anita needed new colors to make two new dresses. One for Ally as her 5th birthday was coming up and another for an order she received from one of the Jet girls who she began to become close with. She was a sweet girl that was also Ally's godmother named Velma. Ally held onto Maria's hand while looking around at all of the stands in the marketplace. Some that we're there every day others that were setting up for the first time. Riff had told Ally to keep a lookout for any of the Hawks as he had a feeling Mikey might be up to something.

While Ally was busy looking at the beautiful materials as well as jewelry a woman pulled out for Maria she felt a hand tug hers away from the safety of the woman that basically became her mother. Ally's head whipped around only to see Mikey with a smirk on his face as he swiftly pulled her down the street as she screamed for help while watching a desperate and terrified Maria trying and failing to reach her. Mikey picked the young girl up and continued to run as fast and as far as he could back to Hawk territory. The girls heart dropped as she thought of the worst. Would she ever see her father again? Was Mikey gonna hide her away for good? Or worse. Was Mikey gonna kill her father and take her far away for good?

After making it to an Ally Mikey put Ally down and kneeled in front of the sobbing girl. "I want my daddy take me back I want him I want my daddy!!" She screamed. "Sweat heart your uncle Mikey just wants to spend some time with you but those Ricans and your Pops are keeping you away. Please calm down hun I ain't gonna hurt ya" he said. Mikey never wanted to make his niece cry but she didn't stop.

"Take me back please I wanna go back!" She sobbed. "Stop crying Ally you're gonna draw attention" Mikey warned. "NO! I WANT MY DADDY!!!" She screamed at the very top of her lungs. "I said SHUT UP!!" He yelled as he struck the distraught little girl causing her to fall and cry even harder as she got up as fast as she could before running. "Ally STOP!" Mikey yelled as he took off after her in fear she would get hit by a car or be taken by someone neither the Jets, Sharks, OR Hawks knew. She was a nearly 5 year old little girl who had no idea how to get back to the markets much less back to Jet or Shark territory.

Mikey knew what he did was wrong and honestly he immediately regretted it as soon as it happened. He had just never had control over his short temper. Now he could potentially lose all he had left of is precious sister. All the while Ally was gone and now running the Jets and Sharks were running around in a panic along with the police. Riff continued to scream Ally's name leaving his throat soar. Tears continued to fall from his eyes in unstoppable waterfalls. He had never been so afraid in his life. This was worse than the rumble with the Sharks when he was stabbed. He had no idea where Ally was or if he'd see her again. He felt like he was in hell.

Ally ran as fast as her legs could carry her little body. Suddenly she ran into a pair of legs and she screamed. "Oh my god Ally!" Yelled a familiar voice. A pair of arms wrapped around her. At first she panicked not knowing who it was but she soon recognized the smell of smoke and oil. "Uncle Diesel!" She cried hugging him as tightly as she could. Uncle Diesel I want my daddy" she cried still very upset yet relieved she was with one of her uncles that would keep her safe. Don't worry sweetheart we'll find him. Diesel knew exactly where Riff was and ran as fast as he could disregarding the looks he got from the upper class people who found it odd seeing a gang member comforting a child.

"Riff I found her!" He yelled. Riff spun around so fast he nearly tripped over his own feet. "Oh thank god" he cried grabbing Ally from Diesel while giving him a nod and mouthing a thank you. "Oh baby doll are you ok?" He asked. "Daddy I was so scared" she cried gripping his shirt like her life depended on it while digging her face into his neck. "Shhhhh I got you baby I got you" he cooed as Ally's cries became softer. "It's ok baby your pops ain't gonna let nobody touch you again it's ok just breath your ok" he said as he rocked her back and forth honestly not caring who saw. Krupke and Shrank smiled from the side of the street where they stood.

Both of them happy they made the decision to put Ally back in Riffs custody knowing he'd keep her safe as well as striking a deal with the PD to take down if not at least keep the Hawks in check.once Ally calmed down she fell asleep in Riffs arms safe and sound. After both gangs made sure the little girl was ok everyone went home. Ally once again safe and sound in her fathers arms.

Sorry it has been so long since my last update. I've had a lot of Mental, emotional and physical stress at work the past two weeks and needed a break. It was just so much I needed some time to decompress. I hope this makes up for it. Thank you to all of my patient and loyal readers.

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