Mikey's story

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The next day Riff and Ally sat at the table eating breakfast. "Daddy can we talk about Uncle Mikey?" Ally asked quietly. After last night when she asked her father about Mikey she could see the look of both anger and fear in his eyes and was afraid of what his reaction would be. However he did say they would talk about her uncle and possibly why she had never known about him until now. Riff sighed knowing this would be brought up. "Sure doll what do you want to know?" he said with a slight smile letter her know she wasn't in trouble. "Why have I never met him until now? Why is he a Hawk? Is he gonna take me from you?" She fired of one question after another.

Once she reached her last question she had tears in her eyes. She was scared her uncle just might take her away. He clearly had something against Riff and Mikey knew Riffs one and only weakness was Ally and Riffs biggest fear was losing her. "Your ma and I never wanted you to meet your uncle because he ain't a very nice guy. "He used to be a Jet but he gave your uncle Mouthpiece a near death beat down so I told him to scram and never to show his face or call himself a Jet again" Riff said. "I guess after he left he created the Hawks looking for another family". Riff took a deep breath and got down on his knee so he would be at Ally's height. "To answer your last question he ain't touchin a hair on that pretty little head of yours I promise you that. You're my little girl and I'll never let someone as Awful as him to take you away. Nobody will EVER take you away babydoll do you understand me?" He said hugging Ally with tears in his eyes.

Ally hugged him back as tight as she could nodding her head. "I got some business with your uncles so grandma Val is gonna watch you today ok?" Riff said with a smile. He knew Ally loved Val as she was the grandmother she had never had and when she found out Riff had Ally back she told Riff that if he ever needed a sitter she was more than happy to watch her. Ally's eyes brightened and Riff smiled as he lifted her up on his shoulders and they walked to Docs.

Once Riff put Ally down she ran in with a smile on her face. "Grandma Val!" She cried lunging herself into Val's arms who gave her a giant hug. "It's good to see you my beautiful girl" Val said smiling. "Thanks again for watching her Val. The boys and I are working on a plan with Bernardo and his guys to keep Ally safe and away from Mikey" Riff nearly whispered as he didn't want the little girl to worry. "Of course Riff anytime" she replied. Riff gave her a nod before turning to Ally. "Come here and give your pops a hug baby girl I gotta get goin" Riff said as he got down. Ally ran to him and gave him a big hug while he kissed her head. "Love you daddy" she said. "Love you to sweetheart" he replied before leaving to meet up with the two gangs.

Riff made it to the playground where everyone was waiting. "Mikey's got some damn nerve showin his face around here again" Action snapped. "So what is this gringos story. All I know is that he doesn't seem to like you" Bernardo said. "Mikey used to be a Jet before he nearly killed one of his own" Diesel said. Every one of the Sharks looked at each other with wide eyes. "You must be kidding" Anxious said. "Nope. Mikey was extremely protective of Lilly and when he found out Riff got her pregnant he lost it. I stood up to him ya know telling him he should be happy for his sister and Riff and he snapped nearly beating me to an early grave" Mouthpiece explained.

"I kicked him out and told him never to show his face around here again. I guess he created the Hawks so he had a family to replace the one he lost" Riff said. "From now on Ally is either with a Jet, Shark, Val or Tony and Maria. I can't lose her not after I just got her back" Riff said. Bernardo put a comforting hand on Riffs shoulder causing the Jet to look up. "I swear on my life I will protect that little girl until I reach my grave my friend" Bernardo said. Never in his life did Riff expect this to happen. A friendship formed between Jets and Sharks yet here they were.

Riff returned the gesture putting his hand on Bernardo's shoulder with a smile. "Let's do this buddy boy. Womb to tomb?" He said. Bernardo smiled and nodded his head. "Sperm to worm" he replied sealing the friendship for good. The Sharks and Jets were no longer enemies, no longer just Allies but real friends.

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