Ch.6 "Truth Be Told"

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(I wrote the last chapter in 3 days, I'm so proud of myself)

February 13, 2023

Jared decided he wanted to tidy up the garage. Even though the only times he goes into there is to get food from the freezer or to get to his truck. There were a few boxes that have been in there since he and Sam moved there. He went through a few boxes, two of them had Sam's handwriting on it. 'SAM'S fragile' they both said. And there was another with his writing on it. He took his box back into the house and into his room. Jared opened the box and saw a few of his nicknacks in it.

"Wondered where those went,"he said as someone knocked on his door and entered, "Hey, Sam."

"Hey, you doing anything important?" He questioned, fidgeting with his hands.

"No, I'm just going through some stuff I found in the garage."

"Oh, okay. Need any help?"

"Uh, sure, if you want."

Jared left the room and went back out to the garage. Sam followed closely behind him. Jared got down on his knees and opened one of the boxes that belonged to Sam. He chuckled when he opened the box, he picked up the clean deer skull and showed it to the other Sam.

"Oh, wow. They collect skulls?"

"Only if they find them out in the woods out back," Jared chuckled, thinking about a memory with them and Julian, "I remember when Sam had a friend over and took him out to the woods, they both came back and Julian threw up in the sink because he saw Sam messing around with a carcass."

Sam laughed, "Wow, I feel if Dean and I let them go out into the woods outside of the bunker they would have the time of their life."

Jared nodded, chuckling a bit.

The next morning Cordell was not next to Sam when they awoke. He was out in the kitchen, talking to his parents and his brother. Abeline was cooking breakfast, and Bonham had just came back inside from taking care of some farm chores.

Abeline cleared her throat, "so, did anyone else hear crying last night, or am I just going crazy?"

"Uh, no, Sam just had a bad dream," Cordell stated, sipping his coffee.

"Oh, she okay?"

"Yeah, it just spooked her really bad. She wouldn't talk about it."

"Or maybe she didn't-" Liam began to ramble, but then Sam walked in.

Cordell tried to cover up the conversation, "As-As I said, m-mama, I love your muffins."

Sam heard what Liam said, it did hurt that he would just say that then Cordell try to cover it up. Something was up with them all. "Ooh, Abeline, you making muffins?"

She hummed out a yes. The room turned into an uncomfortable silence. Sam sighed and sat down at the island. Cordell sat next to them, placing one of his big hands in their's.

"Hey, you okay? I just wanted to check in on you, you were pretty shaken up from last night."

Sam sighed, "I honestly don't remember most of the events of last night, just the dream and me coming into your room."

"You wanna talk about it?"

Sam shrugged, "It was just this thing watching me from my doorway. Like a, uh, sleep paralysis demon, or a shadow person."

"Don't tell me you're into that cryptid cr-" Cordell shot Liam a glare before he finished his sentence.

"Well," Abeline sighed, "Dreams could actually have meanings."

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