Ch. 3 "My Favorite Mother Figure"

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Sorry I haven't updated... writers block is fun.


"Other Sam?" Jared asked with puppy eyes.

"Yeah, this kid just randomly popped up into our world. Actually, she hid under Sam's bed for a while."

Jared just had to ask, "What did she look like?"

Sam hummed, "Well, she had a septum piercing for a while, took it out and the hole closed. Dark brown hair, blue eyes, oh and she is pale, I want to say she's 5'4."

"Do you have a photo?" Jared quickly asked.

Sam pulled his phone out and began to search for one.

"Why?" Dean questioned.

"I-I just had a kid named Sam, they disappeared, and he just described almost exactly them."

Sam found a photo and showed Jared. Tears blurred his vision, he smiled in happiness. His hands ran up to his hair and waved through it. He couldn't take his watery eyes off of his sleeping Baby Bat.

Sam awoke to pain in their ribs and neck. They opened their eyes and looked around. The living room was full of natural light from outside. They still remained sitting on the couch since they woke up last. They started to register whispering coming from the kitchen. Then it stopped and Cordell and Liam walked through the doorway.

"Hey, you're awake," Cordell stated.

"Was that a comfortable position to sleep in?" Liam joked.

Sam grumbled, rubbing their sore neck. The brothers walked away, giggling to themselves. Sam rolled their eyes and attempted to stand, which caused them to fall back onto the couch. They attempted again, finally standing up while barely awake. They stretched and sleepily walked to the kitchen, which smelt like Heaven, no...Valhalla...wait...Sam decided not to bring religions into describing a good smelling kitchen. Abeline stood in front of the stove stirring batter in a bowl.

"Hey you," Abeline chuckled. "Wow, what party did you go to last night?"

Sam jokingly shrugged and went to the bathroom. They stood in front of the mirror and nearly began to laugh. Their hair was poofier than normal. Random strands crossed over their hairline in the opposite direction. Sam sighed and tried to fix the mess with their hands.

They sighed and went back out into the kitchen. Abeline was still stirring the batter. She began to hum an unfamiliar tune as she put in some more flour. She continued to stir, then she put the pot to the side.

"Sam, could you be a dear and get the other egg carton?"

Sam nodded and went over to the fridge. They dug around mugs and cups to get to the blue carton. They handed the eggs to Abeline, switching it out for the empty one and threw it away.

"Do you mind setting the table for me?"

Sam nodded again. They searched the drawers for silverware. They mentally counted the members of the family, and themself, they gathered up seven set of knives and forks and set them at each chair. Then they found plates and napkins and set them with the silverware.

Sam perched on a chair and watched Abeline continue to cook breakfast. She unwrapped bacon from it's pakage and put it on a baking sheet with tinfoil on it. Then she stuck it in the oven. She found a muffin tray and liners, and a can of non-stick spray. Abeline looked over at Sam with a smile.

Sam got up and went over to Abeline. Without her instruction they started to put the liners in and spray them. Abeline got a spoon out and began to fill the liners.

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