Chapter 6-The (Almost) Perfect Evening

Start from the beginning

He had they eyes of a snake.

He stopped at the edge of the table, his mouth turning down into a deep frown as he laid eyes on Magnus.

“I hate to interrupt,” his voice was dripping with sarcasm, “but we’re very busy so I need you to order. I’m Deacon and I have the…joy…of being your waiter.” His voice indicated he thought the exact opposite.

As he spoke Alec noticed his forked tongue and did his best not to stare while trying to ignore the waiter’s rudeness.

Magnus ordered smoked salmon while Alec treated himself to his favourite: spaghetti carbonara while both men ordered a glass of wine-chosen by Magnus- who, according to himself, was an expert in great wines.

“Great choices.” The waiter’s voice was completely dead-pan and he refused to look at Magnus even when the warlock had been ordering.

“What is his problem?” Alec asked, watching the waiter’s retreating figure.

“He’s a Viperla. It’s not exactly surprising.”

Alec vaguely recognised the name from one of Hodge’s lessons years ago but couldn’t remember much else. He knew that they were named due to their snake like features: the tongue and the eyes, but that was about it.

He waited and Magnus continued.

“Warlocks and Viperla have had an on-going rivalry for centuries.”

“Why?” Alec was sure they had never studied this.

Magnus grew unusually serious.

“Ultimately because they’re jealous. They too are the offspring of mundanes and demon however they cannot perform magic or use spells like we can.” Alec’s forehead creased in confusion.

“They are all the children of one particular species of demon but for some unknown reason this demon just doesn’t pass on any magical ability.

Alec pondered this for a moment, trying to understand.

“So they’re kind like squibs in Harry Potter?”

Magnus laughed, “That’s actually a pretty good analogy.”

“By the Angel, no wonder they’re bitter.”

Magnus nodded.

“But what is he doing working here? They’re clearly not the friendliest of people.”

“Well they have to make a living too. Most aren’t too bad though, this one clearly just has an attitude problem. Maybe he asked me out once and I said no.”  Magnus’ attempt at humour fell flat and his smile didn’t meet his eyes.

 When Deacon returned with their food he refused to look at either of them and turned to leave almost immediately but Magnus reached out an arm to stop him.

“I’ll have another glass of wine please.” Magnus said.

Deacon flinched back and sneered at him. “Why don’t you just snap your fingers and get it yourself?”

Magnus raised his eyebrows and fixed his piercing gaze on the man’s face.

“Excuse me?” Magnus’ voice was low, anger simmering slightly beneath his words.

“I said,” the man’s voice was low and venomous, “why don’t you snap your fingers and get. It. Yourself.”

At his words Alec felt a strange shiver curl down his spine as his stomach twisted and curled in anger. But Deacon just kept on talking:

Inside You (Mortal Instruments FAN FIC:: Malec)Where stories live. Discover now