Pt-11 The Hidden Relation 🤞🏻

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Tae- what's wrong with you jungkook? Why are you being that formal with me, I was about to introduce you as my Boyfriend in front of that jimin, but you cut me off, what was that? Were you liking the way jimin was flirting with you..?

Jk- no no, it was nothing like that!!
Tae- then what is it? Don't you like me?
Jk- no, I mean yes yes I like you, but..(Saying this jk pauses a bit)
Tae- What is it? Speak up..
Jk- actually for me it's a bit too fast, like I have never been in boys before and..
Hearing this tae cuts him and says
Tae- So you are still confused?

Jk- no I am not confused, I am just nervous to accept this new side of mine, and I don't know how will people react about this..(tears starts to roll from his eyes)
Tae(calms down from his anger) and wipes tears with his fingers from jk's cheeks and says

Tae- Look baby, I can understand you but don't you think you must at least try to accept this your new self, I mean you don't need to think about what other people will think of you.. you need to have confidence in yourself and me. I am with you always, just have faith in me!
And the fck people say, if it will come on you I will make their life hell.

Jk- no tae please no one should get hurt because of me,,
(Dear readers recall the Zia manager's assistant, who had his hand fractured by Tae just for touching jk in a lustful form) - Refer Part-6 to take full view of this incident!!

Author pov- Tae has already started to cross his lines for obsession and jk being the pure hearted soul, doesn't know anything..

Now resuming back--😉
Tae- no baby, I can't promise that, if something comes after you I won't be able to control myself.
Jk- no tae, please..and can we please keep our relationship grounded to us for a while??

Jk pleads and grabs tae's hands,
Tae- but why? I told you right, don't worry about others..
Jk- yaa I get that, but please can we not publicly announce our relation for just some time, we will definitely announce it once I feel confident, can you do this for me?

Tae- okay, I will do that, but for some time okay..
Hearing this jk feels comfortably happy and hugs tae tightly.
Jk- I knew it! You would understand me! Thanks bub(he unhugs himself from tae and kisses tae's lips with complete love, tae in response grabs jk by his waist and kisses him back in much lustful form not even letting him breath,
Jk- mmhh  tae, let me breath, ammh ..

They get so much into each other that they forget they were in the basement area with a parking lot, a car went by their side, which made them come back to their senses.
Then tae breaks the kiss, they both were breathing very heavily,
Tae- you turned me on luv, come give me one more kiss, he tries to go kiss jk, then jk covers tae's lips with his hand,
Jk- no bubs, we are in the basement with so many cameras.

Tae- oh don't bother that would be deleted, no one can come between us and no one can eye our relation.. now come on, let's get back to the inauguration, and stay away from the flirt jimin, okay..
Jk nodes with a yes and they both get back to the event. Jimin sees them coming..
Jimin- What's happening guys? Is everything okay, I mean tae why did you take him away like that..

Tae- nothing, just some work thing..
(This response from tae, doesn't please jimin)
Jimin- oh, Is that so?? Okay I will let you pass, now come on let's start the event.
The inauguration event starts with jimin's speech and further with all the photos from the magazine photocover, he gets praised as they were really very awesome. The event then wraps up with tae's speech as he was the chief guest there.

After the event is over--
Tae- okay, jimin now we'll take your leave.
Jimin- already leaving? Please wait for the after party Taehyungie..
Tae refuses and says no.
Jimin- At least you stay na jungkook, this Taehyungie is a complete bore, you can be a great company to me..(he smirks)
Jk- ah I think, that's not a good idea! We have a flight tomorrow morning for seoul, so we need to leave now.

Jimin- ah don't ruin the evening like this please..(and starts flirting with jk again)🤣
Tae(with his done face)- ok, now shut the fck up and stop your flirting.. we are leaving now.
They get in their car and leave for the hotel. On their way, tae tells the driver to stop the car..

Jk- what happened tae? Why have we stopped here?
Tae- ah We need to go somewhere.. the driver gets off the car, you can go home, I'll take the car from here!
He then goes and sits up to the driver seat with jk besides him and starts driving..

Jk(confused) - where are we going bub?
Tae- nowhere, just a long drive with you.
Jk(out of curiosity)- oh so where is this long drive's destination?...tell me tell me..(he starts pinching tae on his shoulder)👉🏻
Tae- oh luv, keep patience!!

To be continued..

My Obsessed Lover❤️‍🔥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora