Pt-16 Love Hurts Too😞

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Tae(to himself)- should I say that I like jungkook, or should I not, if I say that she would create a hell lot of drama and also jungkook is still not ready for our relationship to be public, what should I do..
It's better I don't tell her that! I will take time and once my luv is ready I will tell her.

Mrs kim- taehyung? Are you with me?
Tae- yes eomma!
Mrs kim- tell me? Do you like someone?
Tae- ah no! I don't!
Mrs kim- okay great! I am setting a date with that girl the day after tomorrow, so please go for god sake..

Tae(to himself)- I know, she would not let me in peace, and to take some time to think I must simply say yes,
Tae- okay, I will go!
Mrs kim- oh really? Better you go!
Tae then goes up to his bedroom to freshen up, he then lays down on his bed. Just then his phone chimes, there is a message. Tae opens it, it's jk.

On Chat---
Tae- whose number is this?
Jk- it's my old number, that I used to use! Due to that phone breaking thing, i lost my sim, so..
Tae- ok ok I got it!! So, tell me what's my luv doing!!
Jk- Nothing bubs was thinking about you!!
Tae- oh really!! So tell me what were you thinking??
Jk- was thinking about our time we spent at the riverfront!! **Jk smiles while typing..
Tae- ohhh, you mean that kiss?
Jk(blushing)- 😅😅 I think soo..
Tae- you know what I was also thinking something..

Jk- and what is it?
Tae- it's like when I am going to taste you??
(Jk hearing this knows that tae meant of making love, still he behaves he didn't understand)
Jk- ah? Taste? But we already kissed many times!!(he thinks tae would say in clear words to him, but tae doesn't)
Tae- nothing (with done face)😒
Jk(to himself)- my bub is so trying hard to control himself, just because I said i needed time, and this is really good of him..

Tae- ok ok, now bye! We will meet tomorrow!
Jk- ya! Bye bubs, Good night, sweet dreams!!😘
Tae- Bye, take care, you too dream of me!😉😉
Jk blushes and goes offline. Tae then calls one of the managers and tells him to buy a cool branded phone, and make it deliver tomorrow to office.

Next Morning--
Jk wakes up and does hi morning routine. He gets ready and goes downstairs to have breakfast before going to the office. His father and mother are having breakfast.

Jk- good morning appa eomma..
Mr Jeon & mrs Jeon- good morning son, come let's have breakfast..(Jk sits on the dining table, he is really close to his appa and eomma, they too love and support him in every way possible)

Jk- appa and eomma, can I ask you something?
Mr Jeon- yes son tell us what it is?
Jk- I have a really close friend and he loves a beautiful boy, really beautiful.. but he is unsure about taking the relationship between them forward, he thinks that what people will say about their relationship..

(Here, jk is talking about himself and tae, he doesn't want to tell his parents about them now (in future he will surely do 😉) so he takes their advice in another way, here the close friend is jk and the beautiful boy is tae)

Mr Jeon- hmm, see son if your close friend is really in love with this beautiful boy and he too loves him back then they need to accept their relationship in front of everyone and must not think of what other people would say about them.
Mrs Jeon- i agree with him, baby!

Jk after hearing this feels very confident and comfortable. He then smiles and leaves for the office after hugging his parents who unknowingly helped him and solved his confusion.

At office--
Jk reaches office sharp at 9 and starts working, just then he gets a call from tae to come to his cabin.
Tae- ah jungkook-ah come inside.. see what I got for you! (He has a new phone box in his hand)
Jk- what?? A new phone?
Tae- yaa baby, Yesterday it broke because of me, so here is it new one!
Jk(nervously)-thanks bubs but it's too costly, I can't take it.

Tae(smiles and feels proud at jk's self respected words)- Take it baby!! After all what's mine is all yours(he hugs jk).
Tae then goes and sits at his chair thinking something-

Jk- what happened  bubs? Are you alright? You seem serious.
Tae- ah nothing, just home and my mom issues.
Jk- you can tell me, please tell me.
Tae- ah ok, my Eomma has arranged a date for me with her friend's daughter and..
Jk- then? Are you going on that date?
Tae- yes! Already before this I have avoided it to be with you!.. and now my Eomma is mad at me.

Jk(with sad face)- what if that girl likes you?
Tae- then what? I will have to marry her!
Jk(in anger)- what? Are you out of your mind? What about me?(tears start to roll off his eyes slowly)
Tae- oh god jk, you are sobbing, I was just joking baby, I would never marry her!

You are my boyfriend.. and I love you!

Jk hearing this takes a breath of relief and says- I love you too my Love!
Jk- wait! How dare you joke around on such a serious topic haa!! You wait
I would also now go and see other boy and..(tae hearing this cuts jk's sentence, His eyes become dark-- and pins jk to the wall with a force-

Tae- what you just said? You will see other  boy?
Jk(after he sees tae's dark eyes)- i was joking..
Tae- Don't you dare say that again! (His eyes become even more darker as he grabs jk's hand's wrist with much pressure)

Jk(fearing)- tae! I ah.. it's paining..
Tae- tell me you would not say that again!
Jk- yes, I would not say such things again!! Now leave my hand.. it's paining..

To be continued.

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