11 - show me

133 2 139

september 9th

watching her sleep so peacefully felt anything but right in this moment, but i couldnt bring myself to wake her up. i couldnt bring myself to disturb her peacefulness while yesterday happened.

that asshole drugged her, my girl. she was defenceless, god knows what he wouldve done if her friends hadnt called me in the right moment. i felt terrible knowing i wasnt there when this all happened.

my thoughts were interrupted when i heard a soft mumble coming from my bed. with myself being sat on my piano chair i carried upwards, the same one we almost shared a kiss on, i was watching her, waiting patiently for her to wake up.

she slowly sat up, her head frantically looking every direction in a panicked manner. "hey, look at me, youre safe. its me, im here" i softly smiled at her, getting up and sitting down at the foot of the bed.

"fuck, im sorry-" she rubbed her face with her hand. "for what?" i asked curiously as to why she was apologising. "for stealing your bed, its rude. where did you even sleep?"

"i didnt, and you didnt 'steal my bed', az. god, do you even remember what happened?"

she looked at her hands that were sitting in her lap, her fingers playing with the silver ring on her hand. "no" she answered shamefully, not even looking me in the eyes.

"you were drugged" i answered shortly, softly putting my hand ontop of hers to stop her from her nervous habit of picking at her skin. her eyes widened as she looked at me in shock. "wait, what?" she looked me deeply in the eyes, pulling her hands back and running them along her neck and face.

"the guys called me in panick 'cause you were passed out on the floor after you were cornered by some asshole guy" i told her. she sunk back onto the bed, laughing to herself quietly.

i chuckled at her unhinged smile, tilting my head slightly. "whats so funny?" i asked while looking at her with a wide smile.

"i smell horrible" she laughed loudly, making me laugh with her due to the contagiousness of her laughter.

"oh really?" i taunted, "i didnt even notice" i said jokingly while pinching my nostrils in a teasing way.

she immediately swatted my hand away from my nose, looking me dead in the eyes with a jokingly serious look, clearly trying to keep a straight face. "you dick!" she exclaimed, "i dont smell that bad"

"well, that's debatable. you smell like vomit and alcohol plus the school bathrooms. pretty disgusting id say" i shrugged making her face go bright red.

"oh" is all she says. "listen, uhm, i wanted to talk to you about something actually" i said to her. she diverted her attention to me entirely once she heard what i said, signaling to me that shes clearly interested in what it was.

"im listening" she said eagerly, leaning forward and putting her head onto her bent elbows for support.

"ive been thinking.. a lot" i cleared my throat, "about you." i told her nervously. mustering up all courage i had in me, i would finally tell her. tell her about my feelings.

"i like you, azura. i really like you a lot" i laugh humorlessly. "fuck, i do too, michael" she sighed.

biting my lip, i contemplated what i was going to say next. "but look at us, it would never work. im your teacher for gods sake!" i raise my voice at my own stupidity. falling for my student, that is.

"i dont give a fuck, mike, i really dont. we'll make it work" she practically begged as she took one of her hands and reached for my own.

"i cant, i cant do it" i looked down shamefully as i said it, regretting this whole conversation more and more by the second. "i cant let you be heartbroken by me" i told her, tears forming in my eyes.

i dont know if i could ever love anyone again after what had happened with lilly. she was my everything and i broke her heart.

"if you like me, then show me. fucking kiss me like you mean it, michael"

and i didnt waste a single second. i crawled over to her, not giving a single fuck about anything other than the girl underneath me.

our lips collided in a meaningful kiss, my hands finding their places next to her head. our lips moved in unison, our breaths feeling almost synchronised in this incredibly meaningful moment. as i pulled away to breathe she snaked her arms around my neck and back and pulled me down to meet my body with hers.

the warmth of her body, the feeling of my fresh linen sheets against my jeans, the buttons of the shirt i was wearing hanging on for dear life, everything felt perfect. mostly because she was there.

she pulled away to take a few deep breaths, staring me straight into my eyes as she breathes heavily making my breath go rigid aswell. fuck, this girl was a dream.

not even thinking, i pulled my barely even buttoned shirt over my head, revealing my rather toned chest to her. she immediately shoved me aside for a second, removing the duvet from her body, also revealing a small amount of her legs. as soon as the duvet was tossed somewhere she flipped us around, her now being ontop of me instead of me hovering ontop of her.

the way she had her legs on either side of me had my mind racing with unspoken things. hell, i could barely even focus on the kiss as all those filthy inages filled my mind.

"youre so fucking pretty, azura irwin, it's truly unfair" i muttered against her lips. "you too, mr clifford. youre a dream" she replied, slowly and teasingly moving her lips down to my neck.

she worked her way from one side to the other, leaving torturously slow open mouthed kisses all over my jaw and neck as she searched for my soft spot.

i tilted my head back to give her better access as she found my most sensitive spot right below my jawline, right where she could feel my rapid heartbeat with her soft lips.

it wasnt until she started softly sucking on the spot that i completely lost it. i moaned quietly at the feeling. low groans left my mouth as she took the flesh between her sharp teeth and bit down ever so slightly, surely leaving an obvious mark for everyone to see.

as she slowly pulled away she blew cold hair onto the now sore spot, making me sigh lightly in pleasure. she looked me dead in the eyes as she regained her spot rught above my face, making burning eye contact with me.

"it was going to be your turn to pay for teasing sooner or later anyway" she whispered before pulling away and standing up to go to the bathroom, leaving me laying there, my neck aching and my heart beating out of my chest. this woman will be the death of me.


so that was that? im sorry this is horrid😭

havent updated in a while how have you been?
thank you so much for 800 reads i love you so much you dont even know <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2023 ⏰

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