01 - wait up

124 8 9

monday, august 18th 2022

as i paced through the halls of the empty shool hallway trying to find my new classes that were assigned to me this semester i noticed a well dressed man come my way.

his eyes meet mine for only a second, though that was enough for me to catch the color of his vibrantly green eyes. he looks older than the students in my year. ive never seen him around, maybe he had to switch schools or something.

he was very attractive to say the least, his blonde hair was styled with a beanie and he was wearing a navy blue shirt ontop of a black and white striped longsleeve.

why was i even paying so much attention to his outfit, i dont even know him. i continued walking down the halls until i felt someone put a hand on my shoulder. „hey, wait up!" a smooth voice spoke from behind me. he had an accent, maybe australian?

i gasped quietly and turned around only to be met with those familiar green eyes from earlier. his hand was stretched out holding my keys. i mentally slapped myself and continued to stare at him wordlessly.

„you dropped something" he gestured to his hand.  i pressed my lips together in a line, kind of annoyed he's keeping me back. „thank you but uh.. i need to get to class" i awkwardly smile at him.

„me too" he smiled widely before walking off without another word. it took me a while to find my class and when i opened the door everyone was already sat.

i hurried to my seat next to my best friends renesmee and luke. „nes, luke, you wont believe what i just had to endure. i couldnt find my class and-„

i was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. suddenly the whole class was staring at me. mrs carly standing with hes arms crossed waiting for me to stop talking.

"sorry, mrs carly. i'll shut up" i apologised and he went back to teachhing us this boring nonsense about numbers.

my eyes lit up as an idea popped up in my head. i reached in my bag and took out a piece of paper. i sloppily scribbled down what happened earlier and told them about how annoyed i was that this guy made me be late.

both her and luke gave me a weird look and luke grabbed the pen and wrote something on the note.

why r u annoyed? he saved your keys azzy

i sighed and shrugged so he could see. i diverted my eyes to the front again.

"next week there will be an exam. on tuesday august 26th. this exam will be extremely important for your final grade this semester, so study well! i dont want to see any bad grades" her annoying voice beams. i rolled my eyes and groaned quietly while turning to luke.

"i hate her" i whisper exhaustedly.


"alright, class dismissed! see you tomorrow"

as soon as she said those words the three of us sprinted outside. the fresh air summer air grazing my skin.

we sat down at a table, packing out all of our lunches. renesmee packed out a burger, making my eyes practically fall out of my skull.

"if you dont give me a piece of that im shaving your head while you sleep" i said with a straight face, threatening her with my fork i brought for my salad, i know, dreadful.

"i wont unless you tell me more about that boy from before class" she taunted.

"well he was blonde and his style was really cool, he was well dressed. he had green eyes and these perfect lips and-"

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