08 - sister

66 5 37

august 29th

"finally" i sigh to myself as i set down my keys and being exhausted from a whole week of grading papers and dealing with these students who treat me like im a joke. well, except one particular person. azura.

i cant help but let my mind wander to the kiss we shared on monday evening, making me smile to myself a little. i shake my head in order to try to get rid of the thoughts of my student. i cant let myself get too caught up in her, which i think may already be too late.

walking into my kitchen, i pull out my phone, searching for ashtons concact in the imessage app. i hesitate before clicking on it in order to message him.

me: hey ash, you wanna hang out by any chance?

ash. that damn name hasnt left my mind ever since azura told me about her brother called ash. i cant help but wonder if her brother is the only ash i know. i furrow my eyebrows at the thought, pushing it aside. either way, i have to find out if my assumptions are true.

ash: ofc bro, i'll be over in 5 im in the neighbourhood anyway.

i smile, walking further into the kitchen. i open my fridge, my stomach twisting in hunger. i look for something halfway enjoyable, taking out a can of pizza sauce and looking at it.

i furrow my eyebrows, maybe i could do this with ash?

i close the fridge door, setting the sauce aside. i look at my reflection, admiring my own lips, simply because i never want to forget how hers feel on mine.

the way she clutched onto my shirt as if her life depended on it makes my stomach turn in ways it never felt before.

i never really had any girlfriends since i was always busy taking care of myself when my parents couldnt. hell, they could barely take care of themselves how were they supposed to take care of me, a whiny little teenage boy?

it seems to me that azura is the first girl to ever make me feel any way, ive only fucked around before, never anything serious.

im being brought back to reality by someone knocking on my front door, my eyes widening as soon as i realise its ash and ive stood there for 5 minutes, thinking about a girl.

i quickly walk over, opening the door for him and closing it after he fully steps inside. i greet him with a hug, pressing him to me tightly, as i havent seen him in a little while.

"hey man," he greets, "what do you wanna do?" he asks, pulling back from our hug. i look around in the kitchen and point to the pizza sauce i had pout on the table before he came over.

"i found some pizza sauce i was thinking we could make some, im starving, bro" i suggest, looking at him with raised eyebrows as he watches me get the sauce from where i set it down.

"sure," he agrees.


while ashton kneeds the dough i cut up onions, pepperoni, peppers, cheese and some olives for the garnish on our pizza, seperating the little cut up vegetables and cheese in bowls.

if you really think about it, ashton is one of my best friends. he has always been there for me, even when i felt like nothing was going to be okay ever again.

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