Theia let herself fall to the side. Her wing tucked over her body, she curled into herself. There was a faint ache between her thighs, the only proof that Nyx had truly been here. She'd chased him away, her hatred for him stronger than the desire for comfort. Yes, Nyx had given her a livable home, but in turn, he'd taken everything she'd ever known.


Theia woke out of a fitful sleep at the sound of knuckles pounding on her front door. She wasn't sure how long she'd been in and out of sleep, but the sun was fully risen, if not falling again. Theia frowned, rubbing her eyes as she sat up. If it was Nyx, he'd just waltzed back in, he wouldn't knock. Her body ached as she slid from the bed, muscles stiff and tight. Realizing she was still nude, Theia pulled out a nightgown and tugged it up her legs. The house was cold, the fire Nyx lit long burnt out.

Crossing her arms, Theia went to her front door. She didn't bother looking out the window before pulling it open. A mistake, because hands shoved at her shoulders as soon as the guest could fit through the opened door.

"What is wrong with you?"

Theia stumbled back, catching herself on the edge of the couch. Elena was marching in, kicking the door shut behind her. Rage simmered in her eyes, hands readied for another blow.

"What are you talking about?" Theia croaked, hating herself for the way she almost crouched beside the couch. She would've fought back tooth and nail three months ago.

"You've been missing for almost a week again, Theia! I went to the bakery this morning to see if you've been going to work there, but Calliope told me she hasn't seen you. She said she hired someone else and that you'd get the rest of your pay if you bothered coming around the village! Nico is ready to do the same!"

Theia let herself cower this time. She dropped down, still clutching the edge of the couch. Her knees screamed against the hard floor, but she didn't care.

"I'm sorry," Theia whispered, bringing one hand to run across her face. Elena crossed her arms, glaring down at her. They'd never been friends outside of the tavern, so Theia wasn't shocked that she was feeding into her own anger. She wouldn't be shocked if Elena flayed her right there.

"You're coming to the tavern today. I don't care, Theia. You've been gone long enough, and if you're stupid enough to lose your source of income, then fine. Tell me now and I'll help Nico find someone else."

Theia sighed, shifting her dry eyes to the window behind Elena. The sun would be setting soon, she'd have no more than half an hour to go to the tavern for her shift.

"Let me bathe and I'll come with you," she murmured, pulling herself up from the floor. Elena flattened her lips, watching Theia as she trudged to the bathing chamber. It'd only been two weeks since Maia died, and somehow Theia's life had been upturned. A mother that never truly cared about her, and her absence was ruining every aspect of Theia's life.

Theia washed quickly, bones creaking at the first movements since Nyx left; whenever that was. She didn't bother washing her hair, it was unruly over her shoulders but still smelled of soap... and Nyx from when his hand fisted her hair. She wrapped a towel around herself and slunk from the bathing chamber. Elena was sat on the couch now, fiddling with her nails. She glanced up at Theia as she crossed to her bedroom.

Pulling on undergarments, Theia decided on anything warm for clothing. Even her bones were rattling from the cold. Theia wondered if that cold was from the winter outside, or the lack of fire within her. She pulled on wool leggings and a thick tunic. Letting her face rest in her hands for a moment, Theia left her bedroom.

"Let's go," Elena bit out, kicking at Theia's boots beside the door. Theia sighed and pulled them on. The walk to the tavern was long and painfully silent. Elena didn't speak as they entered the tavern and unlocked the doors.

The shift went slow. It was a quiet night, trainees busy down at the camp. Few locals and older warriors came in for ale, otherwise it was dead. Nico came in after a few hours, giving Theia a quizzical look as he told them to close for the night. Elena still didn't speak to Theia as they cleaned. Her jaw was set tight when she opened the door and ushered Theia through. As soon as she locked the door, Theia expected her to walk down the alley. Instead, Elena stretched her wings and shot into the sky.

Theia knew Elena was furious, but it hurt to know that she didn't even want to walk away; she was too eager to get away. Theia sighed and turned, walking to the far end of the village. It was a quiet night besides the few trainees making their way into the village, or the ones flying above. Theia glanced up, noting that three were flying lower, as though they'd touch ground where she stood. She crossed her arms and continued walking. Chills ran up her spine, the animalistic tell that predators were near and she was the prey.

Theia hardly finished that thought before feet touched ground behind her. She didn't turn, only kept walking though quickening her pace. It didn't work, because a strong hand gripped her arm and spun her. Theia cried out, eyes wide on the male that was shoving her back to the wall of a building.

"Are you Theia?" He asked, voice thick. Her breathing grew unsteady as she nodded, glancing at the other two males behind him. They prowled forward, grinning wide.

"You're the reason our friend was beat into the fucking ground. You're the one that gets the heir riled up," he spat. Theia cringed, panic ensuing. As soon as his grip tightened on her arms, she began thrashing. She knew she was weak, yet something deep within her told her to keep fighting. The other two males stepped in, one throwing a punch. Pain flared across her jaw, a strangled cry leaving her lips.

"We're just sending a message to your precious heir. He may have a High Lord for a daddy, but he doesn't get to beat the fuck out of our friend and get away with it. He seems to care what happens to you, so you're going to be our plaything," the male grinned, tearing Theia from the wall. Her heart was pounding, surely cracking her ribs with its effort. Her hands felt numb, though she still thrashed when the male shoved her against one of the others. His arms closed around her. She was too weak to lift her wings to block his view, or disorient him.

The first male said something, but Theia couldn't hear him through the rush of blood through her ears. The male holding her had her arms pinned across her chest, so she began kicking. Her efforts didn't save her, because the first male threw his fist into her stomach. Theia gagged, hiccuping to catch her breath. She hardly took down a breath before he punched her again.

Tears flooded her eyes, knowing what would come soon. These males were all the same, running on the same mind. Sure, they wanted to beat her within an inch of her life, but they all had the same end goal when a female was at their mercy. Theia just prayed she'd be unconscious by the time they began.

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