Becoming a Hunter?

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When I heard I could stay for 2 more days the first thing I did was find my friends to tell them.

I found Alexa in the gardens with some children of demeter and an Hunter of Artemis.

I bounded up to her yelling "My parents aren't coming to pick me up ,i can stay for two more days"

We jumped around like little kids , "We can have so much fun" she exlaimed loudly.

We found the other girls in the arena doing sword fighting with Percy teaching them,I knew that I shouldn't but I couyldn't help but feel jealous.

Seriously ,how was it fair that everyone got to spend so much time with my brother but i didn't.It was one of the few times that I wished that I too was special.

Then came capture the flag which seemed to a be  a game that had to be played every time the hunters visited.

Of course even I wanted to play since it sounded fun,an all my friends would be playing including Alexa,but Percy refused saying that it was a violent game , that I could'nt fight and I woud get hurt.

I knew he had a point but I couldn't help but feal a bit left out as all my friends were either practicing or gearing up for the game.

I just stood quietly near the amoury wainting for them to come out so that I could wish them luck.That was when I noticed Thalia approach me.

"Hi Estelle,It's been a while",she said

I smiled and just said "Hi" feeling slightly akward.

"Aren't you playing?",she asked me 

I shook my head and said "Nope,Percy thinks I might get hurt,besides I can't fight and I'm not a demigod.

She just looked at me and said "You could always become a hunter,u know?"

I was surprised "I thought the hunters only accepted demigod females?"

She laughed "Thats not true ,we have a lot of mortal females who have joined the hunt "

"Have u ever considered joining?"she asked with her eyebrow raised

I just said "No,not really"

That was when everyone came out of the armoury ,so i said goodbye to Thalia and hurried to wish my friends,Percy and Anna good luck.

Talking to Thalia made me wonder ,how would it be if I joined the hunt,how would Percy ,mom and dad react.Would they be happy or sad?

Did i want to be immortal and able to fight mosters?

To never date or fall in love ?

Estelle Blofis/Jackson at Camp half-bloodWhere stories live. Discover now