Hm imagine like

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Imagine like your with your crush right and they get all defensive over you like ppl try come to you and they tense up that's so hot.

Like ok idk how to write these but like im tryna set the scene so crush name is c/n right if not now it is so

Imagine oh wait do I write this in third or first person Hm 🤨 well idk anyway so imagine

Your sitting at a table with your friend group that your crush is also a part of and like your sitting on the actual table not a chair and someone makes like a scandalous joke about you so c/n gets up and comes over to you and like stands in between your legs (👀☺️) and then tells the other person like shut tf up and then they turn round to you still standing between your legs and is all like "hey you ok hm" with strong eye contact AND thigh placed hand placement, hands are on the thighs like.........

Ahhhh I'm sorry i like would not be able to breath I'd just be nodding and ahhh

Also I think it might be too late to say this but if I ever do something like this it's gxg boys I'm not saying your not welcome gay 😬

Enjoy✌️ hehe

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