3 Million Dollar Painting

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A squadron of soldiers are walking across a devastated city during the night with crushed buildings around it. They are armed with alot of heavy weaponry, assault rifles, shotguns, snipers and even miniguns.

Soldier #1: "Kalian ketemu zombi?"
Soldier #2: "Ngga, mereka paling takut"
Soldier #3: "Sombong amat, nanti lu langsung mati gara-gara Ravager"
Soldier #2: "Ini bukan film horror woi"
Soldier #4: "Lu enggak pernah nonton film horror, goblok. Lu selalu ketakutan"
Soldier #2: "Apaan lu! Lu yang ketakutan!"
Soldier #5: "Iya, tapi dia enggak so berani"
Soldier #2: "Bacot lah, anjing"
Soldier #1: "Woi diem, gue dengar sesuatu"

They walk through the crumbling debris to find a Ravager.

Soldier #1: "Ravager!"
Soldier #2: "Tembak anjing!"

They immediately start shooting at it, the Ravager immediately runs away. The group of soldiers are confused but relieved.

Soldier #2: "Tuh kan? Mereka yang takut"
Soldier #4: "Lu yang kencing celana, tolol"
Soldier #2: "Lu ngajak ribut, anjing"

Soldier #2 and #4 start to fight and argue. Soldier #1 and #5 are trying to stop them, while Soldier #3 snacks on some popcorn. Eventually, a dark figure walks through the dark fog from behind the soldiers. Its mere presence makes the soldiers and zombies alike tremble in fear. The entity possesses a blade for an arm and is unlike anything the soldiers had ever seen before. They scream and start shooting at it, the creature parries all of the bullets and impales Soldier #1 with its blade before he could even react. Its clear that the soldiers can't possibly put up a fight, with the creature making short work of them. Soldier #2 is the last one standing, he crawls in fear and cowardice. The creature stabs his leg, pulling him closer. The soldier screams as his limbs gets sliced off and barely even surviving. The creature slowly slices him up into guacamole, making his death slow and incredibly painful. Thankfully for you, there's no images or at least I'm too lazy to draw it.

Anyway, its been 2 years since the events of Act I. In the outskirts of the safety camp, lies a crippled zombie on the ground, incapable of walking without its legs. Its head is later stabbed by a spear, wielded by...

Moreno: "Who the hell crippled a zombie but didn't kill it?"
Damien: "Bro literally disabled a zombie"
Zethendra: "I think that house might have some food or supplies"
Moreno: "Let's hope its not another Ravager situation. You know how socially awkward those fuckers are"
Damien: "They gotta touch some grass for real"

They checked around the house, Damien holding a flashlight. They find a zombie that charges at them. Moreno stabs it chest and restrains it. Damien throws his knife towards it and gets a perfect headshot.

Zethendra: "Goddamn, nice throw"
Damien: "Bitch, I've mastered that shit"
Moreno: "Watch out for more infected"

They enter a room to find three zombies devouring dead soldiers. The zombies notice the three and start to attack. One of them is a Screecher, the rest are standard zombies.

Damien: "I'll take the Screecher"
Moreno: "Feel free"

They take on the zombies. The Screecher tries to scream only for Damien to stick his spear into its mouth, preventing it to scream.

Damien: "Shut the fuck up"

Damien stabs its brain from the roof of hit mouth and kills it. Zethendra makes quick work of the zombie, smacking it onto the ground for him to kill it with a powerful stomp. However, instead of killing the zombie instantly, Moreno teases the zombie, dodging its attacks and striking its back with his spear. The zombie charges at him, Moreno trips it with his leg and uses his spear to pierce its brain.

Moreno: "That was easy, can't we get like a Burner or something at least?"
Damien: "Burners are too boring. Let me fight a fucking Ravager or Hunter"
Moreno: "Tryna test your limits huh?"
Zethendra: "You'll die immediately, we don't even have guns right now"
Moreno: "Do you honestly believe that?"
Zethendra: "...Did he bring a gun?"
Damien: "Of course I fucking did!"
Zethendra: "What kind of gun?"
Damien: "A 1911"
Zethendra: "We can't kill a Ravager with just a pistol... last time we had shotguns and assault rifles!"
Damien: "Yeah but we're way stronger now!"
Zethendra: "But we're still weaker than a Ravager! Those guys are superhuman!"
Moreno: "Guys, shut up. We got company..."

Survive the Apocalypse, Act IIWhere stories live. Discover now