Special Chapter - The Proposal

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Family and close friends of Becky and Freen gathered in the sea side for this special day. There is bonfire in the middle of everyone to light up the place, some of Freen's friends are also singing with guitar while their families are together just cassually chatting with each other.

Freen and Becky look around, they both feel incredible joy and happiness to be around of this beautiful crowd where they feel safe and at home. They locked eyes for a moment and there are tears in Becky's eyes already.

"We made it, Babe." She said as Freen wipe her tears.

"Yes, but why are you crying?" She asked. She haven't started the proposal yet but Becky is already crying.

"I don't know. I just feel happy. It feels surreal to be in this position right now. We have our friends here, our families are in good terms and most specially — I have you. It feels unreal for a moment that I feel like I'm dreaming."

Freen nods. There are also tears in her eyes but Becky quickly wipe them for her.

"It feels like everything comes naturally and easy for us, right? We are lucky." Freen declared.

"Yes, yes. It feels like we got really really lucky cause not everyone can experience this kind of things. Some does not even end up together even if they love each other and even they fight for it, right? Its so sad." There is hint of sadness in her eyes.

"That is true. But I won't let that happen to us. We will never break up." Freen said like a promise to her.

"Me too. I will never let us break. We will just continue to grow together."

Heng and Nop approached them. They handed them both some flowers. Nop discreetly gave her sister the box of ring.

"It's time, Freen." Heng said and tap her shoulders before they left.

Becky looked at Freen.

"What is he talking about?" She asked.

Freen just smiled at her ...and gently lead her to the middle of the crowd. Becky just notice that there is center carpet from where they are now standing with petals on the ground. She suddenly feel like this is something Freen prepared for tonight. Deep down her heart she already know what is this all about. She just know that they will be getting to this point soon.

Everyone eyes are on them. They seem waiting for this moment.

They looked at each other face to face...there is smile on their faces.

"I bet you are suprised but I hope you expected this cause this is my intentions from the very beginning. You know that, right?" She begun to which Becky just nods and laugh.

The crowd laughed with them too.

"Becky, I am here to ask you the most important question of my life today... but before that, I just want to say something..

"Growing up, I thought I was broken because I can not really build a strong connection to anyone. I don't have a puppy love or a crush like my friends has. I thought maybe something is wrong with me. But when I saw you, it all make sense to me. I am not broken and there is nothing wrong with me, its just that — I haven't found you yet.

"I know people might doubt us because we are still young for this but I really feel like I have waited for you long enough that I can not afford to spend another day without you by my side.

"Becky, I hope to see and travel the world with you. I hope to spend a happy and full life with you. I hope to have my plans and my future around you. I hope to hold your hands and kiss you on my final day.

"I hope to marry you..and spend the rest of my lifetime with you." Her voice cracked because of the overwhelming emotions she feeling right now.

"Becky, will you marry me?" She finally ask and showed her the ring.

"Of course. I can not wait to marry you." Becky is in tears. Her eyes are blurry that all she can see is Freen...and the bright future of them together.

They hug and kiss while still in tears.

Their family and friends cheers for them.

"Put the ring on Phi." It was Nop who said that. They forgot to put the ring on... they are too excited.

Freen immedietly put the ring on laughing to her silly mistake. Becky looked at the ring on her finger for a moment and then showed it to the crowd.

There was a loud cheer and everyone congratulated them.

"Thank you for proposing tonight because if you did not do it tonight I will propose to you in the morning." Becky said laughing.

"What do you mean?" She asked confused.

Becky search for her Dad that is also crying at the corner.

"Dad, you know about this? Where is the ring?" She said still laughing as her Dad walk towards them and hand her the small box.

Becky is also planning to propose next morning. Her Dad help her "plan" but it seems like him and Freen made a perfect plan already.

"I have plans for tomorrow but I will just do it tonight while we are on it." Becky said and showed her the ring.

"So would you accept this ring too? Will you marry me, Sarocha?" She asked.

Freen nods with tears in her eyes again.

Becky put the ring on and they both showed their hands to everyone.

That was epic!

They now are engaged.

It was a blissful evening for two souls that been reunited by a promise. They are now ready to conquer and see the world together. 🤍


Ever wonder why this project doesnot have special chapter while other have? Hahaha well I have my reason 😘🫣👀

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