"Okay, just list down the things to buy, then give it to me and I'll buy the things."

"Okay unnie, thank you!"

I yelled from the kitchen and putted the cat down.

"What should I name you, hmm?"


"Why are you so cuttee hmm??? Before, my baby is that goddamn boy and now you are my baby. You look more cute than that goddamn boy to be honest."

I said as I pet her while she eats. I should think a name for her already...uhm.

"Aha! I think I have a name for you now."

I said and then the cat turned her head to me. I think she's listening? Haha, cute. I smiled at her and carried her on my arms.

"You seems to understand me huh? Haha, I love you. I will name you Haerin."


*giggles* "You seems to like your name don't you?"


"Alright hehe. Are you still going to eat, baby Haerin?"


"Mhm. I guess."

I putted her down and she continue to eat. I smiled and keep petting her. My new baby. I forgot about my ex because of her immediately, my comfort haha. I waited until she finishes her food and washed the thing she used for eating, I went to living room carrying Haerin.

"She really looks cute, I like her."

"I know right unnie."

I smiled and she petted Haerin for a seconds.

"Uhm. Unnie, I actually have something to say about me and my...you know."

"Yes? What is it? Are you two getting married? Did he got you pregnant? Are you two going to live in a one house or apartment now??"

*sighed* "None of the above unnie.."

"Uh...okay? What is it?"

"Me...and him broke up.."

"Oh. That hurts for sure, what are you feeling right now? Are you okay? Do you want something to feel happy? Tell me how hurt you are."

I chuckled and looked at Haerin for a second before replying to Rei unnie.

"Don't worry unnie, I'm okay. It hurts a little yeah but it's okay, I at least saw my new babyyy"

I replied and raised Haerin up in the air.

"Savior huh?"


"Anyways, have you eaten yet?"

"Ugghh not yet unnie. I don't have an appetite."

"What? Han, you need to eat, no matter what happen."

"But I don't have appetite unnie.."

I replied as I let Haerin bite my finger playfully.

"I will not gonna force you but go eat if you want, there's still a food in the fridge, I'll also do grocery tomorrow."

"Okay unnie, thank you."

"No problem. Uh, I think I'm now going to my room Han, I have still assignments to do."

"Sure unnie."

"Good night Han, anndd good night too...what's her name by the way?"


"Sounds like your name, cute."

"I know right unnie."

"Alright, good night both of you."

Rei unnie said and patted Haerin's head and mine. I smiled and she continued to make her way to her room. I sighed and carried Haerin on my arms, I locked the door and main door and straight to my room.

"Gosh. This day is a shit, but at the same time, memorable because I met you. What a plot twist because I met you right after my ex broke up with me. You're literally my baby Haerin."

I kissed Haerin's head and stared at her for a moment, she doesn't seems like a stray cat at all, she smell nice. So I guess, her old owner abandoned her. Poor Haerin.

"Alright, I will just gonna change and do my night routine and we will sleep, okay?"

I said and putted her down to my bed.


"Good girl."

I said and patted her then got a clothes to change. I change my clothes and did washed my face and did brush my teeth and then got out from the bathroom. Surprisingly, Haerin is still sitting on where I putted her while ago. She's so good girl, god I wish she was real person. I jumped to my bed and she also followed me and jumped on my chest, aaaaaaaaa cutteee!!!

"Awww, my babyyy, are you sleepy?"


"I guess, should we sleep now?"



I covered my body up to my chest also covering Haerin's cat body.

"Good night babyy"

I whispered and kissed her head and turned off the led light. Well, this day is bad because I broke up with my ex boyfriend but also happy because I met Haerin. What a coincidence god. Thank you.

i made rei as hanni's unnie because why not lol. and hanni's best cousin is eunchae. and the remaining girls, hyein, minji and danielle will be of course her friends. i know you already knew what will happen next, but still read it😤. vote if you only want, not forcing bye!

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