Chapter 115: The Storm (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Now, where did that moody cougar run off to?

Ari gestures him to the opened door of the parked car about five meters away from them, and he swallows, his fear building up, but soon vanishes when he sees the familiar interior of the limousine.

Before even realizing it, his body moved on its own while his sanity brought him back to the multiple memories this car has given him—has given them.

A lonely and longing feeling slowly started swallowing him.

All this time, he's been alone since hours ago.

What if he does something wrong and messes up?


That cannot happen. He'll embarrass his mother and Hiro's family.

He doesn't want that.

'Stay calm,' he chants positively inside his head as the car starts to move with an SUV trailing them from behind.

Hiro will be there . . . His mother will be there, too.

He has to go see them.

Even though after this day, he knows his life will not be completely the same as it was.


"Bring that paper bag over here!"

Jin heard Ari yelling from the distance as Sana cautiously guided him to the nearest bench she could find. Gwen was holding a rechargeable mini fan in her hand as she aimed it at his face despite hers being bathed in sweat.

They had arrived at the private dock in Cheon safe and sound and currently treading away from the boat they had ridden from the island.

And he can say the whole forty minutes ride was torture to his weak stomach. He nearly vomited what he ate this breakfast again.

"Young master, please throw up here." Sana worriedly offered to open her luxury bag after seeing how pale his face has gotten.

Jin's face only grew horrid, and he sickly shook his head, "I-I'm fine." He breathes deeply and tries to calm himself down and his wimpy belly.

He cusses himself.

He cannot give further inconvenience to everyone like this.

Just . . . Just when will his body grow tired of this?

Even after a few minutes, his body could still discern the sickening motion of the boat. He was still dizzy, but at the very least, his stomach had settled down after two or three strawberry mint candies he chewed.

It was a good thing that the bench he was sitting on was shaded by a large tree, when he looked up, he watched the birds steadily spreading their wings and gliding freely in the clearest and bluest skies.

He shut his eyes and listened to everyone's hasty footsteps.

Hiro . . . I hope you are okay.

The moment he spread his eyes open, his head was a bit better and caught Shun Ahjussi marching in his direction.

"Are you alright, little master?"

Ahjussi says, dismissing Ari, Gwen, and Sana, who looked like they were about to shed tears in his poor state.

He beamed and slowly nod his head at Shun Ahjussi. "I'm sorry I caused a commotion." His bright amethyst eyes look up at him. "Where's hyung?"

Shun Ahjussi appeared to be taken aback by his question before kneeling one knee in front of him to wipe the faint stain on his white shoes.

Jin watches him, mortified as the man dabs his handkerchief on his shoes, "A-Ahjussi! That's dirty."

"Are you feeling better, princess?"

Shun Ahjussi caresses the tip of his shoe with his thumb covered by the cloth of the handkerchief, and as he stands upright he shoves it casually into the back pocket of his trousers.

"It's not my place to tell. I apologize but I prefer you would ask my master instead." Shun bowed to his waist, apologizing.

"Let this humble servant go to fetch your car."

Shun jogs back to the other side of the dock and Jin sighs, seeing his far figure talking to two men who just came out of the newly arrived boat.

"Do you want more candies, young master?"

Sana offers to him, and he gladly accepts it. He fiddles its wrapper between his fingers, wondering where and what Hiro is doing now.

But he was utmostly stunned when Sana unexpectedly grabbed his arms and helped him up.

"The car's ready."

She says to him with a smile, and he blinks, a bit uncomfortable by her sudden advances.

However, there was no car seen at present.

"Where?" He asks.

Where is Ari? And Gwen?

She pointed at the corner behind the stocked cargo where a familiar car was parked and shaded from the sun.

"The master is also waiting for you," whispers Sana to his ear.

Author's Note:

Spread love, no hate, stay hydrated everyone!


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