Chapter 109: Calmness Before the Storm (Part 1)

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"Does ojisan like aniki?"

Jin snapped out of his reverie. He swallowed, emptying the lump in his throat, and immediately brought back his poise to avoid any speculation from the young boy's sight, though the rich and vibrant redness on his cheeks already made it additionally obvious. "I wonder."

I wonder how much your uncle like me, too.

He reaches to hold Haru's hand, then faintly spreads his fingers open and runs his thumb across the smooth and soft surface of his palm, fascinated at how it turned pinkish red right after.

'Hiro likes you,' his subconscious floats in his head with a pleased and dignified smile on his face while paddling himself in the air.

Jin can't help the sheepish grin on his lips to widen, baring his set of straight and white teeth with his eyes squinted closed, the halo of his loveliness now in full glow.

Haru nervously flutters his lashes, blinking at such beautiful sight and forgetting what to say.

"I was thrilled to have found another handsome visitor of mine today. What brings you here, young master?"

Pouting his lips, Haru shies away from his gaze upon hearing the word handsome, and Jin notices the round corners of his lips quivering to a suppressed smile.

And this brought both surprise and realization to him.

My, my, aren't the Woos conscious of their extremely good visuals?

It is still a mystery to him whenever he is greeted by their bashful face and embarrassed smiles after receiving nothing but truthful comments—precisely the same reaction he received from Hiro.

Haru glimpses up at him through his strands of long and healthy lashes, "Ashiharu . . . My name is Ashiharu." He says politely with his big bright eyes meeting his.

"But aniki can call me Haru."

"Haru," Jin muttered his name in practice.

It truthfully does have a matching ring to Hiro's name. "I'm Sae-sang Jin. But little Haru can call me however he likes."

Haru pauses, "Then . . ." He grabs Jin's hands. There was a flash of utter resolution inside his eyes. "Nini!"

Jin blinks. "Nini?"

Ah. It's a word abbreviated from Aniki.

"Nini. Nini. Nini!"

Haru's loud laugh and chant echo throughout the room as he sways their arms together side to side.

"Mhmn." Jin nod while his softened amethyst eyes and bright smile were touched by the warm rays of the sun from the bedside vanity door.

Allegedly, it is okay to let him have his way this time. Haru is after all too irresistible to bear.

And another sense of motivation impulse struck him. He doesn't ever want someone to hurt these precious people—both Haru and Hiro. And he is more than committed to protecting these lovable and gentle men all his life.

"Breakfast. . ." Haru lifted their linked hands together in the air, way above his head, while oblivious to the flinched figure a few meters away from them.

"They said breakfast was ready, nini."

Jin chortles sweetly upon hearing the endearment. So Haru heard breakfast was to be served, but he sneakily found his way to find his uncle to inform him instead.

Haru does care for his uncle, and he's glad he had grasped against that little hope until now.

What a loving child.

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