Chapter 7

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Tumble Town was quiet. Then again, it almost always was. But lately it had gotten quieter and the villagers agreed to what caused it. They had seen less and less of their Sheriff over time. The man had always been hardworking, doing his utmost best to keep things in order. Tho often neglecting his paperwork to do more hands-on jobs around town, helping the villagers wherever he could. Even if it wasn't needed and they could handle it themselves, it was greatly appreciated. Besides, they liked the company of their Sheriff.

Nowadays, he was hardly seen. At first, he drowned himself in paperwork in his office, then he took it with him and hardly left his house. He never visited the Saloon anymore, didn't find himself among his people. Only riding his horse to meet with other Emperors, but even that happened less and less. And if he ever came outside, he could not mask the exhaustion clear on his face.

The town grew worried. They didn't know what was wrong with their leader, or what had caused such behaviour. All they knew was that it all started a month ago...

Jimmy didn't know how long it's been since that faithful evening. He didn't realise how much had changed. All he knew were the thoughts that kept running through his head, keeping him up at night. There were two sides of the coin. One voice that told him that being in love was a joyous thing, something wonderful. After all, being in love meant the feeling of butterflies in his stomach and happiness whenever that special person was nearby. Finally, someone he could cast all his affection upon, give them gifts and make them smile.

But the other voice was louder. The voice that represented his insecurities. Being in love was fine, except it wasn't just a crush on anybody. No, it had to be the one he considered his best friend. And you know what happened if he confessed his love to Scott and he didn't feel the same? He would ruin the only good thing he had. He would ruin the one friendship that kept him going, kept him from going insane with loneliness. Scott would be appalled by him. Why would he want to be romantically involved with Jimmy?

At first, he thought he could suppress his feelings, act as if nothing was wrong and everything was the same as before. But Jimmy could no longer deny his feelings, now that they had gotten a name. He even tried to visit Chromia after a week, but as soon as his eyes landed on its leader his heart launched in his throat and all the words wanted to spill from his mouth. The one voice told him it wouldn't be such a bad idea, but the other told him he was a coward and that he should run. So he did, flying home in record time.

He decided then and there he would no longer meet with Scott. Not until his stupid feelings had gone away. He assigned a villager to act as a representative, handling the meetings and trade deals. He would work on removing the feelings and thoughts of Scott out of his mind. He decided to focus on paperwork. But he slowly found out how many things reminded him of the colourful man. The portrait that hung in his office, to the Saloon where they had shared a meal and even the top of the mountains.

He hid himself away in his house, with just Norman and Flick as company, trying to drown himself in his work. But even in the night, he couldn't escape two coloured eyes. He dreamt of shared whispers and hands held, soft smiles and bright colours. Most often than not, he awoke with a start, tears pricking in the corners of his eyes. He'd shake his head, put on his hat and start his day. Even tho he wasn't ready to face another one without Scott by his side.

Scott sighed as he landed in the dusty mesa. A tumbleweed rolled by him in a gust of wind. Tumble Town almost looked abandoned. Scott was scared for a moment that it actually was. It would explain Jimmy's 'disappearance'. But a farmed feeding his animals and an older woman sitting in her rocking chair, knitting, proved the town to be lived in.

Scott sighed once more and went on his way to find the Sheriff. That was why he was there after all. Ever since the party, the other hadn't visited Chromia or reached out to him. He remembered that evening as if it was yesterday. One moment he had been dancing with Grian, laughing his heart out at the silly antics of the other. The next he had been inches away from Jimmy, who had fled from the building like a cornered animal. Eyes wide in fear as Scott had walked towards him.

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