Chapter 6

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It was a couple of days after they all went to visit Scarland when the Emperors received an invitation to a party on Hermitcraft. Scar wanted to celebrate a successful first week since the grand re-opening and all were invited to his home. There would be booze and plenty of snacks, was scribbled on the bottom of the invitation.

Wen Jimmy spoke to Grian about the party, the other had admitted to them needing a good excuse to throw a party. And since the Rift is open, why not invite all of them? The more the merrier, right? Jimmy had laughed and shook his head. He was both excited and anxious to potentially deal with drunk Emperors and Hermits. He decided to go anyway.

Dressed in tight jeans, a white tank top and blue jacket, he stepped into Scar's base. He felt no need to take anything Sheriff related with him. For tonight, he wasn't the sheriff of Tumble Town. Tonight, he was just Jimmy.

"Timmy!" Grian shouted over the music once he spotted him," you made it!" Jimmy smiled as Grian wrapped his arms around him in a hug. "Sorry I'm late," he said, noticing how Grian's smile seemed a bit loopy," Are you drunk already?" Grian let go of him as he spluttered in protest. "Am not, just a bit... tipsy!" he said, smacking Jimmy's arm. Jimmy laughed as he guided Grian to were the kitchen seemed to be, getting him a glass of water. "Drink up," he said. "Okay, mooom," Grian whined as he downed the glass," Happy?"

Jimmy choose to let the comment slide, opting instead to look around. Scar had hired a DJ with booth, pumping music on the go, dance floor situated in front of them and flashing lights mounted on the ceiling. To the far-left side stood several tables filled with all kinds of snacks, followed by the bar where several people were seated, drinking or ordering some.

"Ok, bye Timmy," Grian said as he sprinted back to the dance floor, empty glass abandoned on the counter. Jimmy sighed as he watched him go, his eyes landing on cyan coloured hair and different coloured eyes. Scott gave him a little wave, as he talked with Cleo. Jimmy walked over to the two of them, greeting them.

"Hiya, Jimmy," Cleo shouted over the music," How are you?" Jimmy nodded. "Good, good, how are you?" Gosh, hopefully he didn't have to shout the entire night, he'd surely wake up with a sore throat and no voice left in the morning. "All good," Cleo answered," I'm going to get another drink. Want some?" Jimmy declined. She looked over at Scott, who gave her a name of something that Jimmy assumed was a drink. Once Cleo was gone, Scott grabbed the blonde's hands and dragged him to the dancefloor.

"Dance with me?" Scott asked, although it was more of a demand. How could Jimmy decline? They moved to the beat and were soon joined by Pearl and BigB. Cleo waved Scott over to hand him his drink, accompanied by GeminiTay. After finishing his drink, he joined the dance floor to Jimmy and BigB doing a weird dance off. Pearl and Scott decided to updo them and did a bit of a tango together.

"Show offs!" BigB called out with a laugh. Jimmy was too busy realising he liked watching Scott dance to join in the banter. Tho he liked dancing with Scott more. As a slow song came up next, Pearl and BigB excused themselves, heading over to the bar. Most other people left the dancefloor as well to take a break. Jimmy half expected Scott to do the same, but he knew the cyanette better than that. Their eyes met as Scott wrapped his arms around Jimmy's neck, the other wrapping his around Scott's waist.

They slowly moved together and they had to wonder when they became so in sync. Probably a long time ago, longer now than it seems. Jimmy couldn't help it as he let out a content sigh. Grian's giggles could be heard close by. He noticed him dancing with Mumbo, leaning heavily against the other. Mumbo seemed to speak softly in Grian's ears, making the smaller laugh out loud. Jimmy smiled as he caught Mumbo's eyes, earning him a smile back.

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