A flower crown.

A flower crown with lots of greenery, leaves and a couple of lavender and chrysanthemum blooms had been placed upon his head. It looked great on him, if he said so himself. "It looks great on you," Jimmy said softly. The Sheriff agreed with his thoughts apparently. He smiled up at Jimmy, putting away the pocket mirror. "I love it," he said," I look so cute!"

As he smiled wide with his eyes squinted close, Jimmy let the words almost escape. Words like 'handsome', 'adorable' and 'pretty' all wanted to escape his lips. He wanted to utter them so badly, to tell him softly, to shut it from the colourful rooftops, but he kept it all inside. Apparently, he didn't need to say them out loud, someone else did instead.

"Oh my Joel- you look so pretty!"

A mother and child, a little girl of around 6 or 7 years old, had walked by when the girl had shouted that. Her little finger was pointed at Scott's head and her eyes were blown wide. "Daisy, you can't just shout at people!" her mother scolded," Even if it's a compliment." The girl looked like she disagreed strongly. "But he looks so pretty!" Scott chuckled, recovering from the tiny jump-scare. Next to him Jimmy seemed to calm his racing heart as well.

They had sort of forgotten they weren't the only ones around. "It's quite alright," he said, looking at the mother. The woman gasped when she realised who they were talking to. "E-emperor Scott! So sorry to disturb you." Scott shook his head. "there's no need," he said, smiling kindly," I see you were enjoying the nice weather just as we were." The girl nodded enthusiastically.

"Ya! We had a picnic and picked flowers, some really pretty flowers!" Her enthusiasm was adorable and Scott couldn't help but smile at her. "That sounds wonderful," he said," Daisy, wasn't it?" She nodded, her small head bobbing up and down at an almost painful speed. "You like my crown? He made it for me," the cyanette said, pointing at Jimmy. The other had silently watched the exchange, but blinked owlishly now that he had been mentioned. "He did?" she asked surprised. "Uhh... yeah," Jimmy said ever so eloquent. She looked from Jimmy to Scott and back to Jimmy.

"It's not fair," she suddenly said, confusing the grownups. "What do you mean, sweetie?" her mom asked. Daisy turned towards her mother and pointed at the two sitting on the blanket. "Why does he gets to have a pretty flower crown, but he doesn't?" she asked, very affronted. Her eyes then began to sparkle and a mischievous grin appeared on her face. She tugged on her mother's sleeve, until the woman bends down to her level. Daisy started whispering her genius plan, while her mother looked at the duo. A small smile appeared on her face as she said; "Sure sweetie, you can do that."

Scott and Jimmy started to get really curious to what the little girl was up to as she took the bag from her mother's hand and rummaged through it. She pulled out a bundle of flowers, including strawflowers and spray roses. She walked resolutely towards a dumbfounded Scott and held out the flowers. Scott blinked. "It's for him," Daisy said, pointing at Jimmy," so you can make him a crown too."

Jimmy couldn't help but laugh at the scene in front of him. A small girl, with the stance of a boss lady, practically forcing the Emperor of Chromia to make a flower crown for the Sheriff of Tumble Town. It seemed to be one of those days, where he would almost question his life and reality, if not for the hilarity of the situation. Scott looked at Jimmy laughing and smiled fondly.

"That sounds like an excellent idea, you brilliant young lady."

Daisy seemed almost bashful at the compliment. As Jimmy's laughter died down, Scott began to work on the flowers. The next moments were spent with Scott working while Daisy was handing him flowers, while Jimmy invited the mother to sit with them and have a chat. "you're the Sheriff, right?" she asked. Jimmy nodded. "Yes, ma'am, that's me." She smiled at him. "What finds you all the way out here?" she asked. "Hiding away from my duties, juts for today," he said, with a small smile," hanging out with Scott always has a relaxing effect on me."

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