Ep. 3.5 (R) - We're Just Hangin'

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As they stand in the middle of the courtyard, Fiona can see that Sebastian is grappling with the mixed emotions he's feeling. So, she cups his cheeks, forcing him to look at her. "Bash," she says. "There's something you need to understand. Your brother is not your enemy. He's not even your competition. He's your best friend. Wouldn't you agree?"

Sebastian nods silently.

"Okay, then," Fiona continues, "please don't be an ass about this and let your ego get in the way of the very special friendship. With Farid, you've got the kind of bond very few First and Second Sons ever have. And while you probably won't believe me when I say this, there is enough room here for both of you. Trust me, you'll get your chance to shine."

Sebastian stares at Fiona for quite some time. And then, out of the blue, he throws his head back and laughs. On impulse, he reaches up and pulls Fiona to him and kisses her forehead tenderly.

"You're so right, Fi," he acknowledges, gazing at her gratefully. "I'm being ridiculous, aren't I? I'm really not seeing the bigger picture here." He shakes his head and takes a deep, soothing breath. Then, he looks at her and says, "Has anyone ever told you that you're incredibly perceptive, a frickin' genius, in fact?"

Fiona smiles as she links her arm with his and guides him forward.

"Well," she says playfully. "It has  been mentioned a time or two." Her smile widens. "You know, you and Farid should listen to me more often. It'd make your life much  easier." She gives him a wink.

Sebastian scoffs "Perhaps," He says. "But why make life easier? I mean, what would be the fun in that?"

Fiona playfully punches him in the arm and they both laugh as they make their way to the gym.


Inez and Cameron are camped out on a wool blanket in the middle of the training field. They're studying for an exam on a particular set of charms and spells.

Inez is seated cross-legged next to Cameron, who's lying on his back with his arm tucked beneath his head, staring up at the sky.

Inez shuffles through a set of index cards until she spots a good question to ask him.

"Okay," she says. "Let's try this one. In order to protect yourself from either fire or a fireball you need to...?" She looks at him in anticipation.

Cameron closes his eyes, contorting his face as he tries to remember. He sucks in a breath through his teeth, as he starts to get closer to an answer. Opening one eye, he looks at Inez and says, hesitantly, "create an electromagnetic field with Alewyn's repelling spell?"

"Yes!" Inez pumps her fist in the air. She plops the cards down on the blanket. "Cam, you know this stuff! I don't know why you thought you needed me to help you study. You're so set for this exam."

Cameron rolls onto his side and bends his arm, propping his cheek in the palm of his hand. "Well, maybe, maybe not," he replies. "I haven't read Talley's Book of Diffusive and Defensive Magic in such a long time."

"Who has?" Inez shrugs. "I mean, seriously, why would you? It was all hypothetical back in our Seventh Year." She reaches into her book bag and pulls out a small container of baby carrots. She offers some to Cameron, but he refuses.

Chomping down on her snack, Inez says, "Cam, I think you'll do just fine on this exam. You have a great memory, and you often do well under pressure."

"Hmm...?" he responds. Distracted, he plays with an index card, mentally debating whether or not to bring up something that's been on his mind.

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