Chapter 26 | Three Strikes

Start from the beginning

Jack Kelly:
Hey Lion. Mush said
ya might message me.
Figured he told ya bout
ya gettin' kicked out the
Manhattan newsies.

Anastasia could tell he was being the Manhattan leader rather than an actual friend.

Lion Vlanterrin:
Um yeah I mean
I know I haven't been
around lately. I don't
think that's a reason to
kick me out of the newsies.

Jack Kelly:
You been kicked out
because one you hurt
Racetrack, two he fought
for you and you couldn't
even bother to talk to any
of us. You live in Minnesota
anyway. It was better for us
to kick you out.

Lion Vlanterrin:
I'm sorry I haven't
been around I've
been dealing with
alot. I didn't want
to lose you all.
You're the best friends
I could have asked for.
Thanks for letting
me know I guess.


Meanwhile in the freshman athletics dorm at Eden Hall Academy Dean was putting all his energy into his English assignment due on Monday. As he wrote his paper he kept glancing at the picture, of Anastasia and him sitting in the grass, sitting on his desk. He stopped writing as he lifted the picture off his desk and looked at how happy they were together. He never thought they would end up breaking up due to Banks and especially not over another guy he had never met. He got up and threw the picture away in the garbage. There was no way he was going to let her into his life again. He began to walk back to his homework as a knock was heard on the door. He opened the door revealing Vanessa standing there.

Hey, I heard about the break up. She said touching his arm lightly. I wanted to see if you were okay.

I'm fine. He said annoyed.

Okay well if there's anything and I mean anything I can do.. Vanessa began to rub his arm up and down as she looked into his light brown eyes ..let me know.

Ok. Dean replies closing the door. As he walks to his chair the door opens as Julie and Fulton walk into the room.

Are you insane? Julie walks into the room stopping in front of Dean.

Portman looks at her confused.

You dumped Anastasia and you're already moving on to Vanessa of all people. Julie folds her arms.

Yeah what's it to you? Dean folded his arms.

Maybe the fact you're my friend and you didn't bother to tell me that you were falling for her.

Dean looks at Fulton thanks man.

Fulton raises his hands you told me not to tell Anastasia you said nothing about Julie. Fulton tries to leave the room.

Not so fast both of you sit.

You can't tell us what to do Dean replies.

Now. Julie gives them a stern look.

They take a seat on Dean's bed.

Let's see you two idiots were acting like complete morons yesterday at the Ducks meeting. Not only did you not stand up for her when Connie was being a jerk but Fulton you took her side.

She hurt my best friend.

The last time I checked Anastasia is your best friend too.

Was Fulton replies.

Julie rolls her eyes and Dean you dumped her.

What was I supposed to do Julie after she lied to me and told me she still has feelings for Banks. I'm not going to date someone that clearly doesn't feel the same way I do for her. And she slept with that other dude when all the shit happened with Banks, her, and me. And did you forget she played me and Banks.

Julie sits down on Fulton's bed looking at Dean.

Look, she may not make all the right choices. But she clearly has feelings for you and yes she has feelings for Banks too. I'm not saying that's right. You too weren't together when she slept with Nathan after losing her best friend. I'm not saying that it makes it okay. And she could've handled the Banks drama differently. But what I'm saying is after moving away from her family and the newsies that couldn't have been easy.

It sounds like you're making excuses for her, Fulton said. She hurt my best friend and Bash brother, don't make her out to be some saint because shes not. She cheated on Portman with Banks. And we can all see the way Banks holds her attention even when she was with Portman. Not once did she care if she hurt him.

That's not all true. She told me yesterday while crying that she never meant to hurt Dean. That you felt she wasted your time and that you felt like she lied to you.

That's because she did. Dean replies. I was falling for her and she decided to treat me as if I wasn't important to her. Dean looks away upset at his desk with the missing picture in the trash.

Julie could now clearly see how hurt Dean was and how this affected Fulton. She decided to try to get through to him with a different approach. You were falling for her and she hurt you. You decide that fighting for her isn't worth it and went to Vanessa.

Vanessa showed up at the door to see if I was okay after the break up. Anastasia is the girl I wanted but she doesn't want me. I'm not gonna let her back into my life for her to use me again.

So, you let Anastasia take the fall herself instead of standing up for her after you dumped her. And Fulton you took Connie's side.

Yeah, well she hurt my best friend.

Yeah but what does that have to do with you and Ana's friendship?

Fulton stays silent thinking it over.

I guess nothing I just don't like my best friend hurt.

I get that I don't like seeing Ana or Dean hurt either. But it has nothing to do with our friendships.

I guess I owe her an apology, Fulton says as he gets up leaving.

Julie looks at Dean.

No way am I apologizing after what she's put me through.

Atleast think about what I said. Julie turns toward the door leaving as Dean goes back to finish his essay.

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