part twelve : devil in Plain Sight

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A day of work had gone by.

Although many would see it as one possibly making a bigger mess.

But that doesn't matter anymore, there is more work to be done.

It decided that it was done hiding down here and that it needed to get a move on.
Because for whatever reason it felt a shift in the air a few hours ago.

Something had happened but it wasn't sure what, gut instinct told it it possibly had something to do with 079.
Or maybe that was wishful thinking...

Either way it was done staying cooped up in the sewer but it knew there was no way it would be able to walk on the streets above without being noticed. Especially when there was no doubt that the foundation was still trying to hunt it down.
It won't lie, it admires their dedication but they weren't any less annoying with their pestering.

Soon it's dragging itself out of the murky water onto saturated old concrete once again growling as it does so before the sounds of its Bones start cracking and snapping loudly, their Echoes filling the space around it.
The sounds are horrendous as It's body starts to twist and snap as its mass crashes in on itself, sharp spines and extra limbs being reabsorbed into its form as it steadily makes itself become smaller.

Clawed 'front legs' reach up to hold on to the concrete walls as it stretches out it's back legs as the muscles and Bones rearrange into a more bipedal shape.
It shortens its tail as much as it can while it forces it's maw to break in on itself as it re-absorbs most of the material to make it as flat as possible.

It attempts to make as much skin on its body as scaleless as possible to help with the mock illusion of human skin but the best it could get with something close to shark skin unfortunately.

It's panting with exhaustion as it leans against the wall as the final touches of its transformation take place with the closest thing it can get to looking like human hair sprouting from the head.

It rises from its spot and limps towards a pile of old clothing and fabrics that it begins to dress itself with that hides most of its body, as the whole point of the change was to mostly fit into them.
It doesn't even bother making them look 'nice' by human standards, it'll just punch whoever decides to throw their s*** opinion at It's 'Fashion choice'.

It's not a perfect disguise by all means, but it'll still use it to get by on the bias that no one looks too closely at the human walking among shadows and alleyways...

Now it thinks it's ready to leave its temporary hideout and head up towards the surface, partially being glad to leave the disgusting sewers and feel the sunlight and wind once again.

(A/N OMG IM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT- I got burned out again on SCP and got a little sidetracked by Fnaf.  The way I numbered these chapters is starting to get harder as well as coming up with names for them ; 3;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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