part ten : more information

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Miss J sat there for a few moments and regaining her composure before turning towards the AI with a light smile gazing her features.

" I guess I should start with the obvious shouldn't I? " she asked jokingly.
The AI simply nodded as it focused all of its attention on her.

She nodded as well before taking a moment to think or search up something as she was also in some type of Android body that was capable of doing so before looking at it again and speaking.

" To start with the more obvious. Why I'm out here in the open. I'm not in hiding or anything. I'd say about 5 years after you've been missing, the Serpent's hand organization we're finally able to do what they've wanted to do. Letting the world know about the world of anatomy beings and objects and having the more harmless ones interact and live among Society." She informed before lightly cackling at whatever expression it was making without it knowing.
" quite the surprise I take it? " she asked it before taking a sip from her can.

Well of course it was a surprise to it!
The AI knew of the Serpent's hand and a bit of their naive goals but that was just it, naiveness...
It was honestly ridiculous in it's opinion! Maybe even more than that if it was being completely honest here.
It knew the Serpent's hand would have integrated the 'safe' Anonymous with Society while the Dangerous Ones would remain locked up... itself included going off of past incidents...

Ooo if it was there and awake during that time it would have most likely blown a fuse in Rage.

It clenched one of its hands tightly just imagining a scenario like that.
And it was silent for a few moments before it decided to break it especially with Miss J starting to look at it a bit concerned.

" perhaps it was a good thing I wasn't around when that situation happened. But knowing that now, I'm assuming the foundation is still up and running? I doubt it would go out of 'business' so soon. " it breathed trying to go back to the topic at hand to hopefully soothe its anger.

Miss J sat back in her seat before slowly nodding.
"Yes, of course. After all the foundation's goal is to study anatomies...see how they work only attempting to 'get rid of' them if they'll cause danger to society... last I seen of the foundation their new work is to capture and study and once they understand how it works if it's harmless they let it go... if it has some issues they try to help it and see if it's redeemable... if it has neither of those things pretty easy to guess what they do with it..." she explained trailing off a bit while looking to the side...

" containment. " it finished for her.

"So...are there others in this area? " it decided to ask after a another couple minutes of silence as it decided to finally pick up its own can of fuel and twirling it around in its hands, watching the contents inside move around as it did so.

"I'm not sure I've mostly been going around teaching at schools as after all I am a maybe? " she answered unsure of the others whereabouts.

"Also where exactly is here? " it also asked, because for the entire time it's been aware it has had no idea where the heck it's been located on the map.

"Oh, we're currently in moontown Ohio. Hard to believe that many years back long before you went missing this was a ghost town! " she informed with a smile.
Which unfortunately fell when she noticed the AI's blank expression. Tough crowd ay?

"Hmm...never heard of the place, if I didn't have it saved in my files then it had no convenience to me..." it says mostly to itself as it glances to the side sharply.

" but it certainly had a inconvenience of being in the middle of nowhere inside of a dead town... likely whoever put you in that house new no one would even think to check this place at its current rundown state at the time..." Miss J added clearly catching what it said and bringing up a good point...

"Hmm..." it simply hummed before bringing the can of fuel up to its host lip's and having a sip...

The texture was staticky but definitely still a liquid, and calling it loud and bold was the closest it could get to describing taste.

"Well how is it? " Miss J eventually asked with a twinkle in her eye.

"Hmm? Oh you mean the drink... it's... well...interesting. I guess..." it replied in a mumble glancing down at the ground, which then it only heard the other laugh lightly.

It still went in for a second sip anyway before she spoke up again.

" oh I guess I should also tell you that the Android model you're inside of is at least 4 years old. " she suddenly informed which quickly caused the poor AI to spit out the fuel just as suddenly.


(A/N : sorry this was kind of short as well as late as hell to which I deeply apologize kind of keep getting distracted lately. Anyway the art at the top is made by me, other socials in bio.)

Abandoned again...(scp-079 Fan Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora