part six : the new me

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It wasn't long after a bit of climbing and crawling before it eventually found a bathroom...
Which surprisingly wasn't clustered like the rest of the house...probably for reasons it rather not predict.
Does it dare try to use the light switch? Does the building even have electricity still? It must have considering the containers it's current body was in were all plugged in. If so were the light bulbs even functioning or still there at all?
It shall see...
One hand reached onto the sidewall next to the doorway as that was typically where light switches were placed before feeling around a bit and eventually finding it...
With a quick breath, it flipped the switch which illuminated the room in a slight yellow light which flickered a bit before remaining on.

Well guess it can say that it's not that surprised...but it's definitely not going to complain either.

It enters the restroom quickly looking to see if there's a mirror on the wall...
And low and behold it's right there just a bit off from the doorway...

"Hh-!" It exhaled harshly as its body flinched upon seeing the sudden movement in the corner of its vision before turning to face the reflective surface mirroring the movements of its host.

It relaxed upon this realization as it approached closer eventually leaning over the sink to get up and close intending to get as many details as it could see.

The first thing it noticed was pale blue eyes staring back at it that had the tiniest bit of a glowing white in the center of the pupils...
It then began to shift its gaze to the rest of the face which much to it's surprise it wasn't really damaged at all from what it had seen so far, although there were splotches of different colors in some areas and the black hair on top of the head was also still a mess with one side having splotches of white peeking out...

It did a few side views trying to get in as much details as it could of this face as it was technically the closest thing it could have to one....
Sure it's been able to see many things that it's been stored in throughout the years from security cameras mostly it being stored inside of computers, to old TVs, to even a USB drive it gets stored in when being transferred...or at least back then.

Eventually it leaned away from the mirror and sink Duo as it began to think...

[I need to get to that facility. And I know I won't be able to hide in here for much long, don't know when those humans will come back...] it thought as it glanced Back At Its Reflection at the current attire it's body was wearing, the simple oversized shirt that looked more like a gown than anything.

[ I definitely can't go out where unless either it might bring bring me too much unwanted attention.]
It thought as it frowned its eyebrows in slight frustration...
Which translates into needing to find something else to cover up... or as people say it a new change of clothes.

Looks like it will have to go poking around the place a bit more to see if there are some old spares that were left behind that it could 'borrow'.

Eh...why did it use the word borrow? It's not like it's old owners are coming back anytime soon to reclaim their property and possessions... and it's not like it's ever borrowed anything in the past either unless you consider taking over a facility via security cameras and heavy security doors by randomly opening and closing them on personnel or unleashing certain anomalies out on the loose borrowing...

Never mind that now, it's getting off topic.

It left the bathroom offhandedly shutting off the light before going out into the hallway.
Now where can one find where clothing is kept?
It typically only knows what a kitchen and bathroom looks like from experience in the past, the other types of rooms that humans had were completely lost on it...

It gave a deep sigh.
"This is going to be diffic̶u̴l̷t̴.̴.̵.̶" it said out loud...
Well it can either sit here and mope or it could get started and make progress.
Pretty obvious which of the two options were better suited to its current objective...
With another sigh it got to work opening the first box at saw which thankfully not all of them had tape sealing them...

After about an hour of looking through box after box, that it found very quickly but it wasn't going to find what it needed in the ones in the current room it was in...

"Hmm...alright then, new strategy..." it quietly mumbled out loud as it stood up from where it had been searching.
It decided the new strategy would be to go into a room and look into the first box it saw, if it's contents didn't give any lead to what it needed it would go on to the next room and do the same thing...
And if it ran out of rooms and boxes... well it will cross that bridge once it gets there...

Eventually it went back to the room that had the shells in it and spotted a door on the other side.
" I guess I'll start over there then. " it quietly hummed to itself before making its way over and opening said door...
The room on the other side was a fairly average size, not too big not too small either...
It had large shelves up against a few of the walls with a large mattress in the center...

Oh this must be a bedroom...
And from what it knew, such quarters tended to store individuals clothing in them.

Naturally it went up to the first drawer it saw and pulled it open...
And was actually surprised to see a sack of folded sewn together fabric...or shirts as they're called... mainly the 'T' variety.
Just to make sure it opened a couple of other drawers to make sure it wasn't just shirts and thankfully it wasn't...
Looks like this is a task completed.

After a couple of minutes of shuffling through its options available it eventually settled on a pair of black jeans, a white tank top with some sort of symbol on it couldn't recognize or identify, with a black zip-up hoodie over top...
Granted the outfit didn't really fit its host all that much but it wasn't that noticeable...
" Humanity sense of 'fashion' sure has changed since the 1980's..." it comments examining itself, not really sure if it could pass as a non-suspicious person as it didn't have a good reference on how people dressed, especially when it was still in containment.

Eventually decided it didn't matter how it dressed it was better than what its host was previously wearing...
Oh needed Footwear...

Task was only partially completed.

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