part seven : heading out

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(Warning : swear words.)

It had spent a hour inside the house pondering of all possible outcomes as it decided it was going to head out. In that time it had found a pair of shoes. they didn't match, but they fit.
It had also found a empty bag that it figured it could be useful, if memories of class Ds' were anything useful... having any sort of physical storage would be useful.
Speaking of items, it found a foldable knife, old but still durable and was possibly one of its only forms of physical defense considering it knows how humans can be, regardless if 50 years have passed or not.

And for some reason. it didn't know why...
But it grabbed a pair of glasses it had found...
It's host didn't need them for seeing as it already had Clear Vision...
So why...?

Never mind, it had much more important things to do at the moment then wondering why it grabbed a pair of spectacles.

It took the time to take a couple of other things for future use shouldn't need it before tossing them in it's pockets or bag before hoisting it onto its shoulders.

[ all right I think I have all that I need for now...] it thought before heading towards the front door before stopping suddenly.

It thought maybe it shouldn't go through this way for some reason.
There are possibilities that maybe there are other people in the area that know this house is supposed to be abandoned and seeing a very human-like figure walking out of it would draw a lot of unwanted suspicion...

Before it could think of any other theories it suddenly heard what were definitely footsteps approaching from the other side.

Definitely not going out that way. it was probably the same people that came in last night.
And they would probably not be happy seeing it there and the mess it made...
Which it definitely didn't have time to pick up.

Not wanting to stand there like a idiot. it ran back through the house dodging towers of boxes the best it could trying to see if it had seen a back door anywhere.
If not, it will go through a window if it has to...

It quickly heard the front door opening but that didn't matter at the moment since it was not in sight and appeared to enter what looked like a laundry room...

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED IN HERE?! " came sudden distant shouting causing the Al's host to flinch in Surprise...

"Do you think someone broke in? " another voice in the distance asked.
"WELL DUH! Of course someone had to have broken in! See all the boxes have been opened in here!" The first yelled again sounding very unhappy.

"Oh shit, one of the Androids is missing. " the second one informed.

Yeah, need to get out of

The AI quickly searched for a exit from the room it was in knowing eventually they would start searching the house for their mystery robber.

It pulled back a couple of sheets that were spewed around the place and spotted the corner of a door behind one of them...
To which it quickly pulled out of the way but unfortunately pulled some stuff down from one of the wire racks...such as a glass jar and a iron...
The sound they made when they hit the ground isn't what scared it but the fact that it just gave where it's location was to the humans in the house....oh they're definitely going to come looking this way...

But hey judging from the window on the door it just uncovered it lead out into a alleyway...
It quickly grabbed the handle and gave a twist and practically let out the closest it gave to a breath of relief seeing that it was unlocked...

Cool air Breeze its way in and passed around it's host.
It never knew that wind was gentle...
It didn't have time to take in this moment as it remembered it was in the middle of trying to escape...
It quickly opened the door all the way and sprinted out almost falling down the small steps but catching itself as it continued to run down the alleyway just before turning into another one it heard a distant yell from one of the people still in the house. But it didn't stop, no way it was going to allow itself to get caught when it was just starting to make progress.
It kept running as far as it could to make sure they wouldn't follow...

As much as it would prefer to keep going eventually it's host legs started to hurt especially, it's left one...and it's throat had started to burn.
It needed to stop and rest.
But it was sure it was far away enough from that house that it was in the clear.
It didn't stop completely but it did walk for a bit more before crouching on the sidewalk...
Which brought some relief to its legs as it felt its body start to cool down as it sat and took deep breaths...

Eventually it's breathing regulated and it felt better than before...
And then got into a more proper sitting position as it rolled up one of the pant legs to examine it's left knee to make sure it didn't bust anything...

But to its surprise... the artificial Flesh was no longer just laying around the metal joint... instead it looked like it had been slowly attaching itself up and around it and connecting with the other artificial flesh on the main body...
Was it self repairing itself?

It looked at the completely exposed right hand and lifting the sleeve a bit saw that the artificial flash was covering the wrist more then the last time it looked...and it didn't look as translucent as before...less dead looking...
"Hmm...Well that's interesting..." it mumbled quietly before rolling both sleeves back down.

It decided to sit there for a bit longer as it used the updated technology in its body to pull up a map of sorts to look at the coordinates of where the closest facility was again...and setting up what routes to take to get it there faster with backup roots in case there's something blocking the previous ones.

It also took this moment to see if it could connect to some sort of Wi-Fi connection again...and it's not going to ask anything super strong at this point any would wasn't going to retort to hacking just will if it needs to.

As it did that it briefly wondered what happened to the other prisoners of the foundation...
Mostly 682.
It didn't want to doubt the reptiles adaptabilities but it can't help but think of impossible outcomes...
It can't help but worry for the only thing it considered a friend in that place...

Abandoned again...(scp-079 Fan Story)Where stories live. Discover now