"Don't say that." He groaned out, before putting me down slowly and turning me around until my back faced his chest, and my ass was pressed up against his hard length.

"I won't put it in." He said, as I nervously put my hands against his shower wall.

Maddox's hand gripped my ass before his other hand moved his long, hard, thick length in-between my legs, the feeling sending shivers down my spine the moment he used his leg to move my legs closer.

What was he doing?

Whatever it was, it was embarrassing, there was no way I could look at him when he has such a clear view of everything.

I could see his member when I looked down, it made my body feel hot inside, and my head feel light, knowing that I caused that.

Maddox had tightly put my thighs together and started thrusting his length in-between the gap, his hips forcefully, and lewdly slamming against my skin as he thrusted his hips against my skin, causing friction from his member between my legs.

He wasn't inside of me, but the friction from his penis made it feel just as good as it did when he was inside of me, and even though my legs already hurt, the pain vanished when Maddox leaned down and started humping me from behind, as I watched his length poke out between my thighs.

It was so dirty, and lewd, I felt like a completely different person as I watched it moved, and listened to the sound of our moans, and breathing mixed in one, and the touch of our wet skin, colliding with one another.

I couldn't hold it in anymore as I grabbed hold of my own erection, jerking it only twice to feel what was building up inside of me, a pitiful cry escaping my lips as my legs shaking.

"Fuck!" Maddox growled out lowly, his hands on either side of my hips as he picked up the pace, almost punishingly as I felt the friction from his length start to burn me.

"I'm close." He hissed out, not stopping for even a moment.

A few more powerful thrusts from his strong hips, Maddox stopped moving as I felt him move back just enough to grab hold of his length, and stroke it before I felt something warm, and hot touch the back of my butt, and back.

Seconds pass, and I feel like this isn't real, because there was no way that just happened.

I couldn't help but laugh at the situation, and everything about it, I don't know why but I felt.... happiness, for the first time in a long time, just from doing something incredibly dirty with him.

"Why are you laughing." He asked, turning me around to face him, getting a good look at his handsome face, as his dark hair stuck to his forehead.

Why was I laughing? I just had the hell beat out of me but at the same time, I was feeling pleasure, and happiness for the first time.

"I'm just... glad it's you." I said truthfully, not looking away from his eyes.

Maddox grinned, before shaking his head and moving to grab hold of a bottle of shower gel. "Are you sure about that?"

"I think I can say for the both of us, we didn't expect this shit to happen the moment we first met each other at the gym."

A snort escaped me, making me feel hot in my face once Maddox smirked at me, leathering the gel in his hands before rubbing it all over me.

"I... I didn't expect any of this." I admit, looking down at our feet, noticing now how big his feet were.

"I was sure that you'd not speak to me or want to... train me."

I felt pathetic, and sad to admit it, but Maddox really was the first person to take an interest in me, without feeling sorry for me.

"Well." He hummed out, making me look up at him, as his eyes focused on cleaning me. "I'm a simple guy, I like hard workers and you instantly caught my attention the moment you listened to me." He shrugged out, turning me around before squirting something in my hair.

"You'd be surprised how many professionals come to me and can't do the simplest of commands, I prefer you over them any day of the week."

He made my heart skip a beat as his hands cleaned my hair gently, making sure not to get any product in my eyes as he washed it off for me too.

That made me think of something he mentioned earlier, he said that he had also thought about me before, putting it bluntly... he had jerked off to me more than once, so I had to wonder...

When did he start liking me? Or thinking about me this way?

"C-Can I ask you something?" I swallowed hard as he hummed out.

"What is it?" He says, as he finished washing my hair, and then started working on his own, making me turn around to face him as I watched him.

"Do you... think this is um." I swallowed the dryness in my throat. "Do you think we could work... in a relationship?"

His eyes went to mine as his brows raised, he was silent for a moment before he smiled.

"Do you even want that, Theo?" He asked, as I looked at him, confused.

He sighed out and washed away the product in his hair. "I mean, this is still pretty fresh, we don't know shit about each other, and there's also the fact that you're still in school."

"Also, in a month I'm going to be too busy to see, never mind date, Theo." He said, making my stomach drop as I watched him turn off the shower, once he was cleaned.

He saw my expression and sighed. "I'm not saying no."

With that, Maddox left the shower and grabbed two towels that were hanging up on the wall, passing me one as he wrapped his low around his waist, then coming over to me to help dry my hair, and pat down my body.

"For now, let's not complicate this, I don't want us to rush into anything that any of us might regret later." He said as I pondered what he meant.

It wasn't an answer, if anything he was avoiding my question all-together, but I understood why, Maddox wasn't just any guy, he was world famous, a face and name known to everyone.

He couldn't be seen with me, it'd ruin his career and also his image, which I knew meant a lot to him, after-all, I read his bio when me and my dad got into kickboxing, he came from nothing, and had to fight to make his life better.

I'd only be getting in the way of everything he worked for.

He was also right, we didn't know anything about each other.

I didn't know what he liked, or didn't like, if he had other family or what his birthday was, we were complete strangers in that regard, so now... I felt stupid for asking.

"Hey." He made me look at him as he lifted my chin. "Stop overthinking it, just live in the moment with me."

I felt my chest clench and I was pretty sure this pain was what having your heart broken felt like, even though, I smiled through it, because I knew he was right, as much as it hurt.

He wasn't mine, we just... we found comfort in each other, he saved me, and I misread his feelings and got lost in the moment.

"Thanks... Maddox, you're right, I-I was just overthinking it."

This was fine... this was how it was supposed to be, short lived fun, experimenting, going with the flow.

So, then why did it feel like I was dying?

"Come on, let's get you something to wear." He put his arm undermine and helped me walk out the bathroom, hating the way my stomach tightened like a knot the moment I felt him touch me.

I wasn't ready to give this up, even if it meant not calling him my boyfriend, I wanted to hold onto him for as long as I could, before he was too far out of my reach.

With my parent's divorcing and our house being sold, I needed something, something in my life to stop me from falling apart completely, and Maddox did that for me.

Without him, I would've fallen apart. 

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