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"Welcome to our home, Sofia." Lorenzo begins. "I want to lay out the rules, so there is no confusion." He adds.

So I was right. These people do have rules. I hate rules. I've broken almost every single rule at my school. Rules aren't for me. I think they were made as a challenge. That they were made for kids to brake. You are supposed to break the rules.

"Firstly, there will be no swearing. At all. You cannot swear, but the rest of us can. We are adults." Lorenzo says.

But I love to swear. It relieves my stress. I swear when I'm angry. I swear when I'm sad. I swear when I'm annoyed. I even swear when I'm happy. If you aren't allowed to swear, why was it made part of the English language?

"You are not allowed to go into our bedrooms without permission. If one of us let's you in, then go ahead, but you can not enter without our consent. Also, knock on the bedroom door before entering." Lorenzo states.

"Does that also mean you lot can't come in my room?" I question. "No, me and Rico are allowed in your room, but Damien, Marko and Cooper have to ask." Lorenzo replies. "Why can you come in my room without my permission, but I can't go into yours?" I ask. "I am in charge. I make the rules." Lorenzo says, clearly annoyed.

"Next, you are not allowed to argue, back chat, shout, or use sarcasm towards us." Lorenzo states. But I practically live off sarcasm.

"You are not allowed to use any violence. Wether that be verbally or physically. There will be no social media, that includes TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat." He adds. But they're my favourite apps! "Also, your phone will remain without a password, so we can access it at all times." Lorenzo continues.

First off, I have no clue where this phone is. I don't even have a phone. Secondly, no fucking way am I leaving my phone unlocked all the time. It's my property. They can't interfere with my personal things. It's an invasion of privacy.

"We eat together as a family, for all meals. You will keep your room tidy. If we ask you to do something, you do it. There will be no leaving the house without permission, that permission can be gained from any of us. You do not touch our cars, they are very expensive." Lorenzo says with a serious look on his face.

"You will not sneak out, go to parties, drink alcohol, smoke, vape, do drugs, or anything of that sort." He adds.

It's like he's reading my mind. I don't care if I'm not allowed to do any of that. I will be sneaking out. I will be smoking a few cigarettes. I will be drinking alcohol. Surely, he can't stop me from doing all that stuff. I mean, what would he do? He's my brother. It's not like he would kill me.

"And most importantly, you never ever come up to the top floor, where our offices are, without permission. Do I make myself clear?" Lorenzo states, looking me in my eyes and raising his eyebrows.

"Mhm." I say quietly. "Use your words." Lorenzo says. "Yes." I say, annoyed. "Yes what? What are you saying yes to?" Lorenzo asks.

He obviously knows the answer, he's just being a dick about it. "Yes, you have made yourself clear." I say with a bit of sassiness involved. "Loose the attitude." Lorenzo warns.

Lorenzo hands me a piece of paper. "Here. I've made a list of all the rules, so you don't forget. If I've forgotten anything, it will be on there." Lorenzo says.

"You can leave now." Lorenzo states, while gesturing towards the door. I stand up, keeping hold of the paper, and walk towards the door.

"Oh, and Sofia. If you break any of these rules, there will be consequences. And don't think I won't find out. I always find out." Lorenzo warns.

I nod and quickly walk out of the door, and down the stairs. That last sentence sent chills down my spine. 'I always find out.' God, why does he have to be so fucking scary.

I look at the piece of paper and read it in my head. No swearing... no arguing... no sarcasm... blah blah blah... no boyfriends... no-

Wait what? No boyfriends? Lorenzo didn't mention that. I'm sorry, but I can't help it if a super hot guy asks me out. I can't turn him down.

I walk down the hall, until I reach my bedroom. It's right in between Lorenzo's and Rico's rooms. Fantastic. And then Damien is opposite. So, I'm surrounded by my 3 oldest brothers. I mean, they're all older than me, but Lorenzo and Rico are the scariest.

My youngest brother, Cooper, is 18. He's an adult. He is 5 years older than me. I have always wanted an older brother. One I can play fight with, practise baseball with, punch when he annoys me. Something tells me, these older brothers I've just met, aren't that type of brother.

Marko might be, he has been the friendliest so far. Damien seems like a boring sod. Cooper also seems the same as Damien. Lorenzo seems strict, like very strict, and Rico seems like the type to just shout at everyone because he feels like it.

Well, I'm here now, so home sweet home.

I take a deep breath before opening my bedroom door, and stepping inside. I close the door behind me, and look around.

There's a dark grey bed, with light grey bedding, pushed against the far wall. The walls are painted a light grey colour, similar to the bed sheets.

A light pink blanket is drooped over the end of the bed, and there is a matching pillow on the bed. The rug on the floor next to the bed, is the same shade of pink as the blanket.

The carpet is dark grey, to match the bed frame. There is a dark grey desk against the left hand side wall, along with a map hanging on the wall. On that side, there is also a full length mirror, which I can see my whole body in.

There is a large flat screen TV hanging on the wall, opposite the bed.

On the right, there is a walk-in-wardrobe, and an in-suite bathroom. The wardrobe has lots of clothes and shoes in there. The wall colour is the same light grey that's in the bedroom, and the same carpet runs all the way in.

The bathroom has a large shower, a bath, a toilet, a really big mirror and a twin sink. The floor is a white marble tile, and the walls are a light grey colour, the same as my bedroom and the wardrobe.

These guys must really like the colour grey. It's everywhere. I walk back into the main bit of my room, and sit on the bed. There's a phone on the bedside table.

I hear a knock at my door. "Hey Sofia, it's me, Marko. Can I come in?" Marko asks. "Yeah, sure." I reply.

Marko walks into my bedroom. "So, how is it?" He asks excitedly. "It's brilliant! I love it!" I exclaim. "I set up that phone for you. It has all of our numbers on it if you ever need to call us. It also has Jeremy's number, I'm assuming you've met Jeremy?" He questions. "Yeah, he flew the jet, and drove the car." I answer.

"So yeah, if you ever need anything, just ask for it. I know Lorenzo told you the rules, they don't matter. I brake them, every kid does." Marko says.

"Really? He sounded pretty serious when he said that he always finds out when someone brakes his rules." I explain. "Yeah, he's just doing it to act all tough." Marko replies. "I'll leave you to unpack then. Where's all your stuff?" He continues. "Oh, I only brought one backpack. I didn't have much stuff." I reply, looking at the floor. "Oh ok. I'm always here if you ever need anything." He reassures. "Thanks." I respond.

Marko walks out of my room, shutting the door behind him. He's really nice. I like him. I think we will be good friends.

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