The airport

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I'm so fucking bored. Who would've guessed that being sat in an airport could be so boring? My foster parents weren't the best. They never bought me a new phone or any nice clothes. It was kind of a shit show to be honest. So, I've got nothing to do.

Before I arrived at the airport, I may have stolen some alcohol from the local liquor store, and drank it. I'm not so drunk that I'm falling all over the place, but I'm drunk enough that I'm a bit out of it. I think I'm slurring my words slightly.

The airport is actually kinda quiet. Most of the time, airports are quite busy, but there are only a few families here. Well, I suppose it's because the time is 4:37am.

According to one of the cops at the police station, my brothers are coming to get me at 4:45am. I can't even remember these guys, so I'm basically going to live with complete strangers. Rich strangers, but still strangers.

Im stood, looking out the window at the planes. I've got my baseball glove and ball out, and I'm throwing the ball in the air then catching it. It's the only thing that is keeping me from being bored out of my mind.

There are some tall men in suits walking this way. Who the fuck wears a suit to an airport, apart from security of course. Not only are they wearing suits, they're wearing sun glasses. It's not even a sunny day today, it's really cloudy.

The suits look nice. They're black. One of the guys has a white shirt and a black tie, while the other has a black shirt and a black tie. The one in all black, looks the oldest and the scariest. Their sunglasses are black as well, they're fully tinted out, so I can't see their eyes at all.

"Sofia?" The guy in the all black suit says. I turn around the face them. There's only 2 of them, but they are towering over me. It's really quite intimidating.

"Heyy!" I say rather loudly. I can't see their eyes, but I think they're giving me a pretty judgemental stare, from behind the sunglasses.

"Are you drunk?" The guy with the white shirt asks intimidatingly. Do I say yes? But if I say yes, I don't know how strict these people are. It's probably best to go with the safest option of no.

"What? No." I defend. The one with the black shirt lifts his sunglasses off his face, and places them inside his blazer pocket. "I'm Lorenzo. This is Rico. We are your oldest brothers." He says, pointing to himself and the other guy as he introduces himself as Lorenzo and the other guy as Rico.

"So, which plane are we getting on? Is it that one? Or that one?" I ask, pointing to the planes that are outside the window. "Neither of those is our plane." Lorenzo states. "Well where's the plane then?" I ask, turning facing them. "You'll see." Lorenzo says bluntly.

"Let's go then." Rico says, turning round, to walk away. Lorenzo and Rico start walking off, in the direction they came from. I follow them, but they are taking really long strides, so it's hard to keep up. I'm practically running after them.

We reach a door, and walk out onto the tarmac. There's one medium sized plane, with the some stairs that lead up to it. The stairs have a red carpet down the middle. God, I feel like royalty.

"Is this a private jet?" I ask. "Yes, it's our families." Rico answers. "Awesome!" I say excitedly. I've never been in a private jet before, I suppose not many people have. I follow Lorenzo up the stairs, into the jet, where a man in a suit greets us.

He has a black suit, with a white shirt, just like Rico. He also has one of those curly wire things that you put in your ear, like a hearing device. I think he's security.

"This is Jeremy, he's the head of security." Lorenzo says. "Jeremy, this is Sofia. She's our sister." He continues. "Nice to meet you miss Lopez." Jeremy says, while shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too." I return.

I walk behind Lorenzo, over to some seats. Lorenzo sits down and I sit in the seat opposite him. There are 2 seats on either side, meaning 4 people can face each other. Rico sits down next to Lorenzo. I do up my seat belt and lean my head against the wall of the plane.

I'm so tired. I've been up all night, packing my bag. Yes, one bag. I didn't have much stuff at my house. Then I had to get an Uber to the airport, and god that was sketchy. I also had to figure out how to get to the gates, since I had never been to an airport by myself before.

These guys are rich, like mega rich. When the cops at the station told me they were rich people, I didn't expect this. And the suits? I've got to admit, it's pretty weird that they wear suits to an airport. Wouldn't a normal person just wear some comfy clothes?

And what about this private jet? It's awesome, I'm not gonna complain, but they must be really fancy, to have a private jet, and also security. About that, security is gonna be a big problem. I like to sneak out at night, go drinking, go for a smoke, have fun. Something tells me that these guys aren't fun at all.

I bet they have some shitty rules I have to follow, I mean every household does. But what are these people? They're crazy rich, that's all I know.

I end up falling asleep against the window.

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