Chapter XXI

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"Be Safe"


He no longer cares what name he goes by...

Wei WuXian. Mo XuanYu. XiaoYu SanRen.

He was his soulmate and forever will be. And with that in heart, Lan WangJi promised to make things right.

He may have been with Mo XuanYu to the end but it wasn't enough.

This time around he'll be sure that it is enough.

Even if it cost him his life.

For XiaoYu.

He will be...


Present Time

3rd Person POV

'No running in Cloud Recesses.' That is one of the more than four thousand rules engraved on the wall around it. But three figures can be seen running in a hurry towards a certain cave.

"Wei Ying!" A man in pale yellow clothes adorned with golden designs ran into the cave followed by two others in white and pale blue clothes.

Jin GuangYao ran towards XiaoYu worry written all over his face but was stopped by Song Lan standing on guard in front of his friend.

The other frowned a bit and was about to retaliate when Lan XiChen placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Wei Ying?"  Confused, XiaoYu peeked from his friend's arm.

"Oh, it's you! Um... Meng Yao!" He smiled.

"Yes, GongZi." Said man's expression became sullen.

"Aish. I told you guys to call me XiaoYu!" He reached out a hand to Jin GuangYao but Song Lan grabbed his hand. Glaring at the man before him he spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

"Um-. I was-." He stuttered.

"We came as soon as we were informed that SiZhui and... XiaoYu fell into the cold pools." Lan QiRen stepped into the conversation.

"Is that so?"

"Yes. We wanted to check if they were okay." Lan XiChen stepped towards SiZhui.

"Are you?" He patted the junior's head.

"Yes uncle, I'm okay." SiZhui smiled. His eyes widened a bit at the title.

Uncle? Something must've happened if he'll openly call me that.

He looked towards his brother who in turn stared back at him and then shook his head slightly. Promising to explain the events that happened before their arrival some other time.

"How about you A-Yu?"

"I'm A-OK XiChen-Ge! Hahaha" XiaoYu smiled brightly.

"That's good to hear."

"Oh right! Uncle, let me introduce you to our founder. Lan An." SiZhui gestured toward the ethereal man standing by the frozen table.

"Lan An?" Confused the newcomer's eyes widened.

"Hello there."  A smile was sent their way. They stared at Lan An as if they saw a dead man -Which, technically, they did-.

Lan QiRen was the first to get ahold of himself and greet the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2023 ⏰

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