'The Longbottoms were very popular,' said Dumbledore. 'The attacks on them came after Voldemort's fall from power, just when everyone thought they were safe. Those attacks caused a wave of fury such as I have never known. The Ministry was under great pressure to catch those who had done it. Unfortunately, the Longbottoms' evidence was, given their condition, none too reliable.'

'Then Mr Crouch's son might not have been involved?' said Harry slowly.

Dumbledore shook his head.

'As to that, I have no idea.'

Harry sat in silence once more, watching the contents of the Pensieve swirl.

'I do ask however,' said Dumbledore, 'since Neville has already asked Y/N not to say a word, that you don't either Harry. It is his right to tell people as and when he feels he is ready.'

'Of course, Professor,' said Harry.

Y/N got to his feet, Fawkes still swaying slowly on his shoulder, and turned to Harry.

'We should go. We need to prepare.'

Harry nodded and Fawkes gave a soft cry, nuzzling the top of his head against Y/N's cheek before taking off back towards his perch.

'Good luck with the third task,' said Dumbledore to both of them, 'and remember my words, Y/N.'

'I will, Professor,' said Y/N.


Harry was learning with a burning ferocity, one Y/N had never seen from him. Spells that had previously been taking several dozen attempts were rare to take more than ten, and regularly Y/N was needing to throw up shield charms to subdue the spell somewhat before allowing it to hit him.

The conversation with Professor Dumbledore had sparked something in him. And not just him.

Harry had already sent a letter to Sirius telling him everything once they'd left Dumbledore's office and then had recounted it all to Ron and Hermione once they'd found the duo training.

'So, Dumbledore definitely reckons Voldemort is getting stronger?' asked Ron.

'Of course, he does,' said Y/N as he parried off two of Harry's spells simultaneously, 'But he has to prepare for the worst, especially where Voldemort's concerned. We all do. He won't be quiet forever.'

The run up to exams was pandemonium for Harry and Y/N. With the increasing pressure on other students not applying to them, they regularly found themselves being allowed to skip classes simply because they were being turned into revision sessions. This in turn meant it was almost non-stop practice. Y/N wouldn't be surprised if Harry's spells added to the bruising and scarring he already had.

Meanwhile, Sirius was now sending owls daily giving safety and spell advice and pushing for Harry to remain indoors and around teachers or Y/N at all times. He also responded to the initial letter Harry sent after his dream.

'If Voldemort is really getting stronger again, my priority is to ensure your safety. He cannot hope to lay hands on you while you are under Dumbledore's protection, but all the same, take no risks: Concentrate on getting through that maze safely, and then we can turn our attention to other matters.'

And sure enough, all of these caused the days to blur and before long, June twenty-fourth had arrived.

Breakfast was a very noisy affair that morning. The Gryffindor's were cheering for Harry the moment they entered and a few even patted Y/N on the back, no doubt knowing that he'd been the one training Harry.

They settled themselves down alongside Ginny, who beamed widely at all of them.

'You alright?' she asked Harry.

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